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  • Upcoming events

    Register now and join us for one or more of our upcoming events that will get you ready to start your study journey in Semester 2 2025!

  • Student support

    Check out the range of Student Support Services available at Wintec to guide and help you throughout your study journey.

  • Campus tour

    Our guided tours are a great opportunity to explore our campuses, check out all the facilities, and get a taste of what student life is like at Wintec.

At Wintec, we nurture and guide individual students as part of a community so they are confident and equipped to navigate their way in a world where change and new ways of working are happening faster than ever before.

Based in Hamilton, we deliver high-quality training to approximately 11,000 ākonga/learners every year, who study more than 130 vocational courses across many fields from certificate to degree, postgraduate and master's level.

We provide relevant training and qualifications, but we also acknowledge that confidence and wellbeing are important for ākonga to succeed.  
Our kaimahi/staff are employed for their experience, knowledge, and ability to guide ākonga on their journey. Our graduates are supported to be confident, so they know how and where to apply their skills and knowledge out in the world.  
Our students get the chance to put their learning into practice from the very start. They work on relevant, real-life projects and learn what it is really like in their chosen career through work placements. They can ask questions and discover there are often many ways of doing things, not just one.

Wintec is committed to an environment where an authentic and deliberate commitment to Māori and Te Tiriti partnerships delivers an educational system that serves our ākonga — our learners — and our communities well. Improving equitable outcomes for our Māori, Pacific, disabled, and all learners is a priority. We value diversity and support inclusion.

Our relationships are important. Understanding the needs of local industry, iwi, hapū, and our Waikato community is critical in helping ākonga succeed and our community flourish.

We have grown from a small technical college to one of Aotearoa, New Zealand's largest tertiary education institutes. We, along with 16 other technical institutes and 11 Industry Training Organisations (ITO's), are part of Te Pūkenga, New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology. We continue to be committed to growing online, on-campus, and on-job learning networks to give learners more flexibility in what, where, and how they will learn.

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Wintec is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn More about Wintec Te Pūkenga.

Learn with purpose

Explore Te Pūkenga

Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

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