Merren Tait

Information Literacy and Liaison Librarian – Education and Foundation studies (Te Ara Pūtake, Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, and education), social work and counselling.
Contact info
Kia ora, ngaa mihi ki a koutou.
My roles at Wintec are the Information Literacy Librarian and the Liaison Librarian for education, Te Ara Pūtake Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (CHAW), social work and counselling. I work from the City Campus Library and am often in classes teaching lessons about information literacy, research skills, and referencing.
I have worked in both the teaching and library sectors and am super lucky to be working my dream job at Wintec (being a teacher AND a librarian).
If you are an education, CHAW, Te Ara Pūtake, or social practice student, I can help you with any point of your research journey: identifying the key concepts of your assignment question, finding resources, refining your search, using our databases and research, and helping you with your referencing. If you need help with any of these areas, please come and see me or send me an email. I’m always happy to meet kanohi ki te kanohi if that’s what you need.
In my life outside of Wintec, I live on the foothills of Maunga Karioi near Whaingaroa (Raglan), where I write novels and enjoy the antics of my many animals (if you’re in one of my classes, you may get to hear one or two stories about my wayward sheep.)
I hope to see you in the library and wish you all the best with your journey at Wintec.