ARBO506 – Trees on Construction sites
Module code
Module title
Trees on Construction sites
People credited with this unit standard are able to monitor and manage site works to protect established trees on construction sites.
- SX1803
NZQA Level
Level 5
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
- Web-Supported
Learning hours
- Total learning hours
- 50
Resources required
- Learning Outcomes
- 1: Monitor and manage site works to protect established trees on construction sites.
- Content
- - Evaluate proposed site works around established trees to identify potential for tree and root damage.
- Provide guidance for tree protection to the sub-contractor who is undertaking earthworks on site.
- Determine when manual intervention is required to protect tree roots and carry out appropriate tree root protection where roots are temporarily exposed.
- Record and report procedures undertaken and provide recommendations for trees’ long-term preservation and survival.
- Carry out ongoing site audits to check that the required tree protection measures are in place, monitor the condition of the trees, and recommend remedial measures as required - Assessment Criteria
- The weight of the overall assessment is equally distributed across learning outcomes.
The portfolio of evidence will demonstrate the achievement of the required knowledge, competencies and capabilities across all the learning outcomes. - Learning and Teaching Resource
- Tutorial notes, workbooks, exercises and readings, and projects.
Interactive Moodle Site - Teaching and Learning Strategy
- Teaching and learning methods will be face to face delivery including; workshops, project based interactive tasks, with group sessions, tutorials, on-line learning, work integration, and independent research for the creation of portfolios of evidence of learning.