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BILD424 – Roofs 2

Module code
Module title
Roofs 2
In this course students will learn about building mathematics, walls, roofs, and ceilings. The course content covers aspects of the Fundamentals Skill Set 8 and Frame and Structures Skill Set 2 and 3 of the New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry Specifications. Students will identify and take up opportunities for ongoing development of carpentry knowledge and skills, establish and sustain supervision systems and consistently demonstrate appropriate levels of commercial competence when undertaking carpentry tasks.
  • TC1901
NZQA Level
Level 4
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the use of trigonometric calculations to determine lengths and pitches.

2. Identify how to frame around penetrations and construct roof finishing components.

3. Explain how ceiling framing is constructed and assembled, and how to frame around penetrations.

4. Identify how roof framing is constructed and permanently tied together, braced and connected to wall framing.
Calculations (LO1):
- Develop understanding of general principles, practices
- Apply in context of roof and ceiling framing

Roof penetrations and finishing (LO2,4):
- Roof finishing components include all members associated with the formation of eaves, verges, overhangs and fascias
- Roof framing prefabricated and individual components; complexity of roofs must meet or exceed that of forming hips, valleys and gables

Ceiling framing (LO3):
- Can be constructed out of timber or formed light gauge metal

Roof Framing (LO4):
- Roof framing includes prefabricated and individual components
- Complexity of roofs must meet or exceed that of forming hips, valleys and gables
Assessment Criteria
The portfolio is comprised of multiple components. Students need to pass all components of the portfolio and provide sufficient evidence against all learning outcomes in order to pass this module.
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Project-based Learning, Online Learning, Work-based learning

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