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DE5305 – Mechanics

Module code
Module title
To enable students to gain an understanding of the fundamental principles and laws of mechanics.
  • EN1603
NZQA Level
Level 5
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
- FBD for beams with point and uniformly distributed loads
- Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams.
- Basic mechanical theory as applied to 2-dimensional systems
- Systems of static loads and simple frameworks
- Centroid, centre of gravity and moment of inertia
- Bending stresses. Selection of sections from tables. Torsional shear stresses in solid and
hollow shafts. Polar second moments of area.
- Work and energy, linear and angular momentum
- Forces and linear and angular motion
- Friction on level and inclined surfaces
- Relative motion
- Principles of fluids
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyse basic theory, principles and applications f forces and moments in mechanics and
2. Calculate indirect stresses (bending and torsion) in mechanical components and select
appropriate sections from standard tables.
3. Analyse the forces, moments, torques, work and energy, including conservation of energy,
resulting from linear acceleration, rotational acceleration and centripetal acceleration.
4. Apply the basic principles of fluid analysis.
Assessment Criteria
assignments, tests 20%
laboratory (practice)* 30%
examination 50%
* see section 3.5 of Regulations

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