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DE6308 – Strength of Materials 2

Module code
Module title
Strength of Materials 2
To develop an understanding and advanced knowledge of strengths of materials and the detailed design of mechanical engineering components
  • EN1603
  • SC1101
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Apply strengths of materials theory to complicated engineering applications.
2. Design beams in steel, timber and concrete and determine deflections for complex loading situations.
3. Design pressure cylinder application.
4. Calculate the failure load for eccentrically loaded columns.
5. Design plate application.
6. Design springs and determine operations stresses and deflections.
7. Select and apply relevant design codes.
• Elastic constants
• Effects of three-dimensional stress elements
• Shaft design, determination of maximum stresses due to combined loadings, keyways, collars, shape variations.
• Beam design, steel, timber, concrete,
• Beam deflection by integration.
• Cylinders thick and thin, Lame’s equations, design of cylinders.
• Column design, short, intermediate and long columns, crinkling instability, eccentrically loaded, secant or Rankine-Gordon formula, and Perry-Robertson formula
• Plates, loading, bending and deflection in thin plates
• Joining of materials, bolts, welds, glue, joint configurations
• Strain circles, principal stress calculation
• Springs, Spring types and construction, stress and deflection calculations design of helical and leaf types, Wahl’s factor, spring stiffness, end conditions, uses of springs, spring materials.
• Design codes as applied to; beams, pressure vessels, shafts and columns.
• Thermal stress/strain, induced stress/strain
Assessment Criteria
Assignments, Tests 20%
Laboratory (Practical) 30%
Examination 50%

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