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DSGN611 – Design Special Topic 3

Module code
Module title
Design Special Topic 3
To allow students to explore a topic of their choice relevant to the domain of design. Students will be required to demonstrate their learning through an applied self-directed project in the domain of design.
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
- Sources of information
- Information gathering and analysis
- Technical, social and ethical considerations
Learning Outcomes
1. Investigate a specific topic* relevant to the domain of design
2. Develop a creative work utilising information gathered about a specific topic relevant to the domain of design
* The specific topic and learning must be different from the topic and learning of any previous Special Topics studied.
Assessment Criteria
To pass this course students must complete all components and satisfy all assessment criteria. As this is a competency-based assessment, students either Pass or Fail the module.
Learning and Teaching Resource
- Studio and presentation spaces
- Domain-specific software and tools, including industry-spec computers

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