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EDUC0503 – Field-based Teaching Practice B

Module code
Module title
Field-based Teaching Practice B
To identify the multiple roles of the teacher within a specific early childhood education learning context.
  • EF2005
NZQA Level
Level 5
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
1. Define a range of key features of high quality effective early childhood teaching.
2. Identify and discuss strategies of how to engage with and contribute to a collegial and collaborative learning community.
3. Make links to practice with the code of professional responsibility and the standards of the teaching profession.
- Introduction to relevant regulatory legislation and documentation.
- Unpacking the standards for the teaching profession and understanding the code of professional responsibility.
- Concepts of professional practice and the way these impact on the teaching profession and positive outcomes for children.
- Making connections and reflecting on what is taught in class and how this occurs in practice, own and that of others.
- Te ao Maaori including practicing and developing meaningful use of te reo me nga tikanga Maaori.
- Collaborative practice and professional relationship building within a range of contexts.
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Blended Learning; Work-integrated Learning; Inclusive Practices, Reflective Practice.
Assessment Criteria
The portfolio is comprised of multiple components. Students need to provide sufficient evidence against all learning outcomes and gain an overall mark of at least 50% and must pass the practical competency-based assessment in order to pass this module.
Learning and Teaching Resource
- Students are in Field-based Practice placement that is licensed by the Ministry of Education for 12 hours per week for a minimum of 10 weeks of the academic semester, under the supervision of a Wintec approved Mentor
- 6 hours face to face time with Visiting Lecturer as negotiated with student, VL and Mentor
- E-Portfolio monitored by Visiting Lecturer
- Reflective practice, experiential learning in the Field-based Practice setting, praxis, literature, demonstration and instruction, self-directed learning, and on-line participation
Recommended Readings
Relevant required and recommended readings and resources will be updated annually prior to delivery of the module to ensure currency of the literature and resources. The annual required and recommended reading list will be provided to the students in Bachelor of Teaching (Early Years) annual Booklist and Student Module Booklet.

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