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HORT209 – Soils & Fertilisers

Module code
Module title
Soils & Fertilisers
The aim of this module is to develop student’s skill and knowledge in the identification of soils and role of fertilizer for plant health and growth
  • SX1701
NZQA Level
Level 2
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the composition of soil
2. Demonstrate knowledge of soil texture and structure
3. Describe soils using the New Zealand Soil Classification
4. Describe the role of fertilizer for plant health and growth
-Major components of soil; composition, relative size, proportions or mineral particles, organic material, water, air
-Major components of soil; influence on plant growth; mineral particles, organic material, water, air
-Main soil horizons and their composition; litter layer, topsoil, subsoil, parent material
-Soil aggregates; crumb, block, platy, fine appearances and size.
-Textural types identified by feel and sight; sand, sandy loan, silt loam, clay loam, clay
-Soil structure affects on plant growth
-NZ Soil classification; volcanic loams, brown earths, coastal sands, organic soils, podzols, pumice soils, brown clays, alluvial soils
-Soil characteristics; drainage, parent material, structure, nutrient deficiencies, texture, potential for plant growth
-Soil formation
-Locations in New Zealand
-Macronutrients and Micronutrients, affect on plant growth
-Fertilisers and Lime influences on plant growth; lime, nitrogenous, phosphatic, potassic fertilisers
-Fertiliser and Lime alterations to plant growth; soil testing, leaf analysis, monitoring fertiliser applications, soil and plant deficiencies and toxicities

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