HPRO5410 – Hauora Maaori
Module code
Module title
Hauora Maaori
The aim of this course is for aakonga to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to explore concepts of hauora Maaori and Maaori models of health relevant to midwifery practice and maternity care in Aotearoa New Zealand.
- TP5225
NZQA Level
Level 5
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
- Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
- Total learning hours
- 150
Resources required
- Learning Outcomes
- LO1: Analyse historical and contemporary factors contributing to Maaori maternal health in Aotearoa.
LO2: Reflect on strategies that promote and support hauora Maaori relevant for midwifery practice and maternity care in Aotearoa New Zealand.
LO3: Apply hauora Maaori frameworks to midwifery practice in Aotearoa New Zealand - Content
- - Contemporary Maaori demographics, social determinants of health, health disparities, and maternity needs for Maaori
- Colonisation and urbanisation
- Diversity of Maaori realities
- Maternal mental health, Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee (PMMRC)
- Maaori health providers/initiatives and strategies
- Positive actions to address inequity – Wai 2575 Hauora Report 2019 and Pae Ora (Healthy Futures)
- Mana Wahine enquiry
- Maaori birthing practices – childcare practices, birth outcomes and Maaori health and wellbeing
- Te reo Maaori for midwifery practice
- Aotearoa New Zealand health strategies and legislation
- Tuuranga Kaupapa
- Cultural safety
- Cultural competence
- Concepts of hauora Maaori
- Maaori health and engaging with whaanau Maaori
- Tuuranga Kaupapa principles
- Cultural Awareness e.g. Irihapeti Ramsden – Kawa Whakaruruhau
- Maaori health frameworks, models and approaches, e.g.
- Mana Motuhake
- Te Kupenga Hauora Maaori
- Meihana
- Waka Hourua
- Midwifery Partnership model/critique
- Application of professional and cultural frameworks - Assessment Criteria
- Assessment in this course is achievement-based. Aakonga must submit all specified assessment items, achieve all learning outcomes, and obtain a minimum of 50% in each assessment to pass this course.
- Teaching and Learning Strategy
- Learning and teaching activities will employ a range of elements drawn from approved methods. The activities chosen will align with the context of the learning (delivery mode, regional-specific requirements, etc.) and any particular needs of the group of aakonga.
- Learning and Teaching Resource
- All required and recommended resources are advised to aakonga via course outlines.