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HPRO6402 – Well Baby, Breastfeeding and Newborn Nutrition

Module code
Module title
Well Baby, Breastfeeding and Newborn Nutrition
The aim of this course is for aakonga to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to support and facilitate midwifery care of newborns (up to six weeks of age) including promoting, protecting, and supporting newborn nutrition.
  • TP5225
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
LO1: Facilitate the newborn transition in the early neonatal period including the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding.
LO2: Examine the socio-cultural and political factors that influence birth practices and breastfeeding in Aotearoa New Zealand.
LO3: Apply evidence-based practice in assessment and culturally competent care planning for the well newborn.
- Physiological changes, assessment, and care of the newborn at birth
- Newborn life support
- The anatomy of the breast, physiology of lactation, and composition of breastmilk
- Support for initiation and continuation of breastfeeding
- Role of skin to skin
- Microbiome
- Vitamin K
- First two hours post birth
- Birth practices and socio-cultural and political factors that influence breastfeeding
- Tuuranga Kaupapa
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- Pacific practices
- Debriefing birth experience
- Role of the midwife, physiology, assessment, care planning and evidence-based practice for the well newborn, mother and whanau
- Cultural competence
- Mother/baby dyad
- Breastfeeding
- Screening tests and immunisations available for the newborn
- Physical examination of the newborn up to 6 weeks of age
- Community and Tamariki Ora / Well Child Services available for the newborn
Assessment Criteria
Assessment in this course is achievement-based. Aakonga must submit all specified assessment items, achieve all learning outcomes, and obtain a minimum of 50% in each assessment to pass this course.
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Learning and teaching activities will employ a range of elements drawn from approved methods. The activities chosen will align with the context of the learning (delivery mode, regional-specific requirements, etc.) and any particular needs of the group of aakonga.
Learning and Teaching Resource
All required and recommended resources are advised to aakonga via course outlines.

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