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HPRO6406 – Midwifery Practice: Complex Practice - Pre-existing Conditions

Module code
Module title
Midwifery Practice: Complex Practice - Pre-existing Conditions
The aim of this course is for aakonga to integrate knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide whaanau-centred midwifery care, when there are/is a pre-existing medical condition/s.
  • TP5225
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
LO1: Analyse the pathophysiology of pre-existing medical conditions affecting pregnancy, labour, birth, and the puerperium to inform whaanau-centred midwifery care.
LO2: Apply knowledge of the role of the midwife within the Scope of Practice when working with women/pregnant people with pre-existing medical conditions across the childbirth continuum.
LO3: Provide collaborative, evidence-based, culturally competent midwifery care when working with women/pregnant people with pre-existing conditions.
LO4: Achieve selected performance criteria for Midwifery Council Competencies to the expected level, when there are/is a pre-existing medical condition/s.
- Pathophysiological of pre-existing conditions affecting pregnancy, labour and birth, and the puerperium
- Infections including Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)
- Cervical screening/HPV screening
- Speculum skills
- Common infectious diseases and substances affecting pregnancy, labour and birth, the puerperium and consequences for mother
- Impacts of social determinants of health
- Identification, referral and management of pre-existing conditions
- Collaboration, consultation, and referral guidelines
- Interprofessional collaboration and communication
- Maternal mental health
- Maternal collapse and basic life support
- Interventions in pregnancy, labour and birth
- Care of a woman/pregnant person with an epidural
- Investigations for diagnostic purposes
- Applied pharmacology relevant to pre-existing conditions
- Applications of culturally competent practice
- Tuuranga Kaupapa principles in practice
- Frameworks for practice
- Reflective practice
- Collaboration, consultation, and referral guidelines
- Midwifery Council Competencies for Entry to the Register of Midwives
- Work within the Midwifery Scope of Practice
- Midwifery practice when there are/is a pre-existing medical condition/s
Assessment Criteria
Assessment in this course supports both achievement and competency-based assessment. Aakonga must achieve all learning outcomes and successfully complete all assessment items to pass this course.
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Learning and teaching activities will employ a range of elements drawn from approved methods. The activities chosen will align with the context of the learning (delivery mode, regional-specific requirements, etc.) and any particular needs of the group of aakonga.
Learning and Teaching Resource
All required and recommended resources are advised to aakonga via course outlines.

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