HPRO7403 – Midwifery Ways of Knowing 3
Module code
Module title
Midwifery Ways of Knowing 3
The aim of this course is for aakonga to develop knowledge and skills to critically analyse rangahau, research and Pacific research, and professional frameworks to inform evidence-based practice that promotes equitable outcomes in the midwifery context.
- TP5225
NZQA Level
Level 7
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
- Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
- Total learning hours
- 150
Resources required
- Learning Outcomes
- LO1: Critically analyse evidence to inform the provision of equitable, evidence-based midwifery practice and maternity care in Aotearoa New Zealand.
LO2: Critically examine the impact of professional frameworks, on equitable outcomes and the provision of whaanau-centred midwifery practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. - Content
- - Critique of research methodologies including rangahau
- Research design including data collection and analysis, sampling and statistics
- Rangahau
- Pacific research methodologies
- Diversity of evidence used in midwifery practice
- Analysing bias: implicit, explicit and affinity bias and privilege
- Racism and power dynamics and contribution to inequity in health
- Evidence of equity/inequity in health/maternity outcomes in Aotearoa
- Equity and Maaori women’s health
- Synthesising evidence to inform and change midwifery practice
- Ethical considerations pertaining to rangahau and human research
- Examination of equity across midwifery/maternity care in Aotearoa New Zealand context
- Exploring strength base midwifery approaches e.g. allies in midwifery
- Urban/Rural context
- Tuuranga Kaupapa
- Equity in Professional frameworks
- Ethics
- Advocacy
- Informed decision making
- Best practice guidelines
- Engagement with iwi and hapu
- Personal reflection about responses to equity issues in midwifery and articulation of own professional framework - Assessment Criteria
- Assessment in this course is achievement-based. Aakonga must submit all specified assessment items, achieve all learning outcomes, and obtain a minimum of 50% in each assessment to pass this course.
- Teaching and Learning Strategy
- Learning and teaching activities will employ a range of elements drawn from approved methods. The activities chosen will align with the context of the learning (delivery mode, regional-specific requirements, etc.) and any particular needs of the group of aakonga.
- Learning and Teaching Resource
- All required and recommended resources are advised to aakonga via course outlines.