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NUPCD20 – He Ara Whai Matauranga (The Context of Maori Mental Health Nursing)

Module code
Module title
He Ara Whai Matauranga (The Context of Maori Mental Health Nursing)
This module develops critical knowledge that the advanced Maori nurse needs in order to work within a Maori Mental Health development model. Students completing this paper will critically analyse: Firstly, the Treaty of Waitangi as a relevant theoretical framework for developing negotiated partnerships and; Secondly, traditional Maori health realities and other variables which contribute to Maori mental health gain and outcomes.
  • NU0015
NZQA Level
Level 8
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
Examine the Treaty of Waitangi as a template for negotiated partnership:
-Relate the Treaty of Waitangi's position in providing possibilities for negotiated partnership between the Crown and Mori providers and consumers of mental health services
-Examine how partnerships are formed
Examine traditional Mori values, beliefs and practices related to mental health and illness, recovery and wellness:
-Analyse traditional Mori values, beliefs and practices relevant to mental health and illness in the context of contemporary advanced Mori mental health nursing practice
-Provide a critical analysis of both historical and contemporary patterns of Mori mental health morbidity and prevalence data and identify how the data is utilised in Crown policy
-Relate issues to advanced Mori mental health nursing
Identify and examine demographic, epidemiological, socio cultural data in relation to social policy development:
-Analyse how the information is utilised in the prioritisation of mental health services and identify the impacts, current and potential, which relate to advanced Mori mental health nursing practice
-Identify the effects of developing a broad analysis and relate to advanced Mori mental health nursing practice
-Identify the process that will demonstrate how to skilfully foster intersectorial collaboration to support tangata whai ora and whanau mental health capacity in getting their needs met
-Develop a model for practice which will demonstrate use of a thorough needs analysis and which could contribute to prioritisation of mental health services and provide rationale
Identify contributing factors which can impact on assessment and treatment interventions in the context of the nurses every day practice and identify factors relating to Mori mental health gain outcomes:
-Explain relevant ethico-legal issues relating to advanced Mori mental health nursing and the impact on the delivery of care to Tangata Whai Ora
-Develop the operation of nursing advocacy and informed consent in both Mori and non-Mori mental health settings
-Analyse health promotion-education programmes significant to advanced Mori mental health nurse relevant to Mori mental health nursing
-Analyse the impact of biomedical diagnostic assessment frameworks and measurement tools which impact on tangata whai ora recovery
-Critically examine reflective practice in relation to getting the mental health needs of tangata whai ora and whanau met
The Treaty of Waitangi and negotiated partnership and Mori mental health nursing: State and regional discourses, decolonisation
Traditional values (the roles of tohunga, koroua, kuia, whanau),beliefs and practices associated with mental health - and Rongoa
Demographic and epidemiological patterns of Mori mental health and illness social policy relevant to Mori mental health nursing
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Wnanga/Hui, Whakawhanaungatanga, Tuakana/Teina, Guest speakers, Self-directed learning, Journaling and online.

Assessment Criteria
Assessment 1 Essay 40
Assessment 2 Exemplar from practice practice 60

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