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NURS5413 – Enrolled Nursing Practice: Rehabilitation and Community

Module code
Module title
Enrolled Nursing Practice: Rehabilitation and Community
To enable students to demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet the requirements of the Nursing Council of New Zealand competencies for the enrolled nurse scope of practice in settings that support the principles of nursing care.
  • HS1702
NZQA Level
Level 5
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the causes, signs and symptoms, underpinning pathophysiology, treatment and nursing interventions for a range of common long term conditions identified as health priorities in New Zealand health strategies.
2. Describe the impact of long term health alteration on health consumers, their families/whanau and the community.
3. Reflect on the implications of socio-economic and socio-cultural realities on consumers and their family/whanau due to long term health alteration(s).
4. Describe and apply the philosophies of care related to disability, rehabilitation, palliative care, continuing care and primary health care.
5. Discuss strategies that assist consumers and their families/whanau who live with long term health alteration(s) to meet their health needs, and maximise their capabilities.
6. Maintain a safe environment and demonstrate leadership skills within the health care team that promote wellness and independence of individuals.
7. Apply the principles of safe medication storage and administration within the legal framework and institutional policy of the specific clinical setting.
8. Meet the Nursing Council of New Zealand competencies for the enrolled nurse scope of practice.
New Zealand health strategies and priorities for long term conditions and related care

Principles of rehabilitation

Social determinants of health

Palliative care, hospice, long term care, residential care and community care

Services for health consumer, family/whanau and caring for the carer

Safe environment

Medication management

Clinical experience with a rehabilitation focus
Assessment Criteria
Assessment in this course is mixed mode.
Learning and Teaching Resource
A full set of resources will be issued for this course including course work and assessment materials, a list of required texts/library books, web-based resources, manuals/standards documents. Students will also be encouraged to use the library and other resources that can be accessed at Wintec.
Teaching and Learning Strategy
??Lectures, tutorials, simulation, group discussions, guest speakers, independent learning, e-learning, work integration.?

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