NURS643 – Hauora Maori
Module code
Module title
Hauora Maori
To explore hauora Maaori and apply the knowledge and principles to nursing practice.
- HL0902
- HL7000
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
- Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
- Total learning hours
- 150
Resources required
- Teaching and Learning Strategy
- May include: Project-based Learning; Flipped Classroom; Blended Learning; Work-integrated Learning; Inclusive Practices.
Methods may include workshops and practical classes, tutorials, case-based learning, inquiry-based learning, group activities & discussion, supported online learning, practice simulation. - Learning Outcomes
- 1. Analyse historical, social, economic and political influences in Aotearoa and examine the implications for hauora Maaori.
2. Analyse Maaori ways of knowing in relation to hauora.
3. Contextualise Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Kawa Whakaruruhau when working with whanau and hapu.
4. Examine Maaori models of hauora and discuss applications for nursing. - Content
- Learning Outcome 1
- Historical, social, economic and political processes in Aotearoa and implications for hauora.
- Hauora experience of Maaori and explanations for hauora disparities.
Learning Outcome 2
- Te Ao Maori, tikanga Maori and te reo Maaori.
- Evidence based practice including Rangahau and Kaupapa Maori research
Learning Outcome 3
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi, colonisation and post-colonisation in relation to the experience of hauora Maaori.
Learning Outcome 4
- Key concepts of Hauora Maaori when working with diversity of whanau - Assessment Criteria
- The portfolio is comprised of multiple components. Students need to provide evidence against all learning outcomes and gain an overall mark of 50% to pass this module with a minimum mark of 40% in each part of the portfolio.
- Learning and Teaching Resource
- An extended reading list will be supplied by the academic staff member at the commencement of the module. This will be updated annually.