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NURS643 – Hauora Maori

Module code
Module title
Hauora Maori
To explore hauora Maaori and apply the knowledge and principles to nursing practice.
  • HL0902
  • HL7000
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Teaching and Learning Strategy
May include: Project-based Learning; Flipped Classroom; Blended Learning; Work-integrated Learning; Inclusive Practices.
Methods may include workshops and practical classes, tutorials, case-based learning, inquiry-based learning, group activities & discussion, supported online learning, practice simulation.
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyse historical, social, economic and political influences in Aotearoa and examine the implications for hauora Maaori.
2. Analyse Maaori ways of knowing in relation to hauora.
3. Contextualise Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Kawa Whakaruruhau when working with whanau and hapu.
4. Examine Maaori models of hauora and discuss applications for nursing.
Learning Outcome 1
- Historical, social, economic and political processes in Aotearoa and implications for hauora.
- Hauora experience of Maaori and explanations for hauora disparities.

Learning Outcome 2
- Te Ao Maori, tikanga Maori and te reo Maaori.
- Evidence based practice including Rangahau and Kaupapa Maori research

Learning Outcome 3
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi, colonisation and post-colonisation in relation to the experience of hauora Maaori.

Learning Outcome 4
- Key concepts of Hauora Maaori when working with diversity of whanau
Assessment Criteria
The portfolio is comprised of multiple components. Students need to provide evidence against all learning outcomes and gain an overall mark of 50% to pass this module with a minimum mark of 40% in each part of the portfolio.
Learning and Teaching Resource
An extended reading list will be supplied by the academic staff member at the commencement of the module. This will be updated annually.

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