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ARBO600 – Advanced Arboriculture Law

Module code
Module title
Advanced Arboriculture Law
The aim of this module is to develop student’s knowledge in evaluating the legislation and codes of conduct that affect the NZ Arboriculture industry, and the role of the arborist as an expert witness.
  • SX1902
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Evaluate major statutes pertinent to the Arboriculture Industry of NZ, and how they relate to tree protection.
2. Critically analyse the NZ Arb Association code of conduct in relation to ethical decisions that arise in Tree Management.
3. Evaluate case law in relation to a tree management issue involving the Resource management Act, and critique the outcome explaining the role of the arborist as an expert witness.
- Evaluate the New Zealand legal system and the Resource Management Act 1991
- An examination of Government functions and powers under the Resource Management Act 1991
- An examination of the resource consent procedures under the Resource Management Act 1991
- The implications of subdivision laws
- Enforcement procedures under the Resource Management Act 1991
- Arboriculture Case Law
- Role of expert witness
- Report writing and presentation
- Code of Conduct and ethics

Assessment Criteria
The portfolio is comprised of multiple components. Students need to pass all components of the portfolio with at least 50% in order to pass this module.
Learning and Teaching Resource
- Workshop and stakeholder presentation spaces
- Arboriculture specific software and tools
- Moodle online platform with discussion & sharing
- Recommended Texts & readings
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Project-based learning; Flipped Classroom; Blended Learning; Work-integrated Learning; Inclusive Practices

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