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BIBM575 – Business Heritage, Culture and Sustainability

Module code
Module title
Business Heritage, Culture and Sustainability
The aim of this module is to develop and enhance the students' awareness and knowledge of New Zealand in terms of its history, heritage and commercial development by exploring key historical events that have occurred within this cultural, political and social framework. This module will develop the students' understanding of how culture, heritage and commerce are contributing to the development of New Zealand business and why and how these values and qualities should be protected and enhanced for future generations.
  • BI1401
  • BS1064
NZQA Level
Level 5
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
1. Examine the significance and contribution of Maori culture to New Zealand business.
2. Examine significant New Zealand and historical events and demonstrate how these
events have contributed to the development of contemporary New Zealand business
3. Discuss the uniqueness of New Zealand from a cultural and environmental perspective
and discuss the importance of sustainable resource use and conservation
4. Discuss internal and external environmental changes that have occurred in New Zealand
in terms of heritage management, culture awareness and the social framework and
describe the implications (both positive and negative) of this to the development of the
New Zealand's economic development
5. Discuss New Zealand's position within the global community and the effect that
internationalisation has had on the business sector in New Zealand.
- Pioneers of history and Social history
- The Treaty of Waitangi
- History of commerce in New Zealand
- Our ancestors (to or from) New Zealand
- Cross-cultural distinctions (and associated social cognitions or thoughts)
- Socio-political attitudes, politics and government
- Heritage management and sustainable development and management
- Effect of internationalisation on the New Zealand business sector
- Contemporary issues in New Zealand today and for the future
- Internal and external environment changes include:
- External - government policy, economic dynamics, social trends, legislation and common
law, technology
- Internal - systems, structures, resources, organisational culture
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Teaching will involve blended delivery methods incorporating the Moodle online delivery platform. Other delivery methods my involve theoretical and practical classes, face to face, lectures, tutorials, workshops, group activities, guest tutors, field trips, role-play, and video conferencing, as appropriate.
Assessment Criteria
Candidates must achieve a minimum result of 40 percent in Assessment 3 of this module. They must also achieve a minimum C grade pass overall from all assessments to receive a passing grade for the module.
Learning and Teaching Resource
Required Text:
An extended reading list will be supplied by the tutor at commencement of the module. This will be updated annually.

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