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DE5408 – Introduction to Networks

Module code
Module title
Introduction to Networks
To introduce the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks and to enable students to build simple LAN.
  • EN1603
  • SC1101
NZQA Level
Level 5
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Not Web enabled
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
1.Apply knowledge of the devices and services used to support communications in data networks and the Internet.
2.Apply knowledge of the role of protocol layers in data networks.
3.Apply knowledge of the importance of addressing and naming schemes at various layers of data networks in IPv4 and IPv6 environments.
4.Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks and addresses to fulfil given requirements in IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
5.Explain fundamental Ethernet concepts such as media, services, and operations.
6.Build a simple Ethernet network using routers and switches.
7.Use a command-line interface to perform basic router and switch configurations.
Devices and services used to support communications in data networks and the Internet.
The role of protocol layers in data networks.
Addressing and naming schemes used at various layers of data networks in IPv4 and IPv6 environments.
Design, calculate, and apply IPv4 and IPv6 subnet masks and addresses.
Ethernet concepts such as media, services, and operations.
Build a simple Ethernet network using routers and switches.
Use a command-line interface to perform basic router and switch configurations.
Utilize common network utilities to verify small network operations and analyze data traffic
Assessment Criteria
Chapter Tests10
Final Online Exam10
Skills-based Exam40
Written Exam40

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