Mohammad AL-Rawi

Principal Academic Staff Member
(Mechanical Engineering)
Contact info
Dr. Mohammad Al-Rawi is an expert in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element (FE) modelling. He uses CFD and FE modelling as part of his work in developing a non-invasive method for detecting cardiovascular diseases as well as analysing air flow and thermal comfort for residential housing in New Zealand. His work also encompasses sports engineering applications such as helmet design and fitness education analysis.
Mohammad is currently conducting research that aims to assist cardiovascular surgeons in developing new tools for non-invasive diagnosis of aortic dissection Types A and B. He is also contributing to work on developing a new model-based smooth super-twisting control for cancer chemotherapy treatment with researchers from Australia.
As part of Mohammad’s research on improving air quality in residential environments, he is currently working on a residential air quality improvement device and monitoring system to prevent the negative health consequences of living in damp, overcrowded, low-quality housing. This project addresses the measurement and reduction of airborne mould spores and pathogens that are linked to respiratory illnesses.
Mohammad is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine. He is the co-track organiser for the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) under ASME. He is organising the following topics related to biomedical engineering: (i) Biomedical Imaging, Therapy and Tissue Characterization and (ii) Computational Modelling in Biomedical Applications. Also, he has received two awards for best reviewer in 2022 and 2023 within the Journal of Engineering & Science in Medical Diagnostics.
ORCiD profile:
- PhD in Biomedical Engineering, AUT, 2013
- MSc in Mechanical Engineering (Fluid Dynamics), University of Technology – Iraq, 2006
- BSc (9th in a class of 65) in Mechanical Engineering – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, University of Technology – Iraq, 2003
Areas of teaching
- Applied Computational Modelling
- Advanced Thermodynamics
- Fluids Power and Advanced Fluid Mechanics
- Engineering Design and Drawing
- Engineering Development Project
- Project Management
Research area of interest
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Indoor air quality (IAQ)
- Thermal comfort
- System and control modelling
- Biomedical applications
- Engineering education
Other areas of expertise
- Thermal analysis
- Solar panel simulation
- Sports engineering applications
Areas of expertise
Industry experience, affiliations, and achievements
- Institute of Biomedical Technologies – AUT- Cardiovascular Diseases Projects
- Swinburne University of Technology – System and Control to Electric Furnaces
- Chemical Engineering Department, the University of Auckland – Indoor Air Quality
Current professional and academic affiliations
- Deputy (Vice) President Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) Executive Committee Member 2023/2024
- Honorary Academic (Research Fellow), Chemical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand (2022-2024)
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Member
Research activity
Selected research articles:
- Al-Jumaily, A.M., Al-Rawi, M., Belkacemi, D., Sascău, R.A., Stătescu, C., Țurcanu, F-E., Anghel, L. (2024). Computational Modelling Approach to Profile Hemodynamical Behavior in a Healthy Aorta. Bioengineering, 11(9), 914.
- Al-Rawi, M., Belkacemi, D., Lim, E.T.A., & Khashram, M. (2024). Investigation of Type A Aortic Dissection using Computational Modelling. Biomedicines, 12(9), 1973.
- Rsetam, K., Al-Rawi, M., Cao, Z., Alsadoon, A., & Wang, L. (2024). Model based smooth super-twisting control of cancer chemotherapy treatment. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 107957.
- Hwang K., Kim, H., Al-Rawi, M., Kim, S (2023) Designing Foldable Helmets for Micro-mobility using Sustainable Materials. Archives of Design Research, 36(2):129-143.
- Asker, M., Al-Rawi, M., Genceli, H (2023) Numerical analysis of phase change material filled with metal foam inside a cylindrical capsule. Energy Storage.
- Al-Rawi, M., Al-Jumaily, A., & Belkacemi, D. (2022) Non-invasive diagnostics of blockage growth in the descending aorta-computational approach. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 60, 3265-3279.
- Rsetam, K., Al-Rawi, M., & Cao, Z. (2022). Robust adaptive active disturbance rejection control of an electric furnace using additional continuous sliding mode component. ISA Transactions, 130,152-162.
- Al-Rawi, M., Ikutegbe, C., Auckaili, A., & Farid, M. (2021). Sustainable technologies to improve indoor air quality in a residential house – A case study in Waikato, New Zealand. Energy And Buildings, 250, 111283.
Selected proceedings papers:
- Al-Rawi, M., Wang, L., & Zhou, H. (2023). A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach for Hospitalization at Home During the Pandemic." Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 5: Biomedical and Biotechnology. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. October 29–November 2, 2023. V005T06A039. ASME.
- AL-Rawi, M., Belkacemi, D., & Al-Jumaily, A.M. (2023). Mesh Independency Analysis for Aorta Geometry Using a Computational Modelling Approach." Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 5: Biomedical and Biotechnology. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. October 29–November 2, 2023. V005T06A040. ASME.
- Rsetam, K., AL-Rawi, M., & Cao, Z. (2022) Robust Continuous Sliding Mode Controller for Uncertain Canonical Brunovsky Systems Using Reduced Order Extended State Observer. 20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2022) Perth, Australia, 25 – 28 July 2022.
- AL-Rawi, M., Al-Jumaily, A., and Belkacemi, D. (2021) Do long aorta branches impact on the rheological properties? 2021 IMECE® International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Virtual Conference, Online, 1-5 November 2021.
- Auckaili, A., Hayatina, I., & Al-Rawi, M. (2023). A study of flipped classroom approach in chemical engineering core courses. 34th Australasian Association for Engineering Education (pp. 1-9). Retrieved from
- AL-Rawi, M., Chand, P., Khanna, J. & Kumari, S. (2021) Developing Soft Skills to Produce Work-Ready International Graduate Diploma Students in Engineering: a Comparative Study. Work-Integrated Learning New Zealand (WILNZ) presents the WILNZ 2021, University of Waikato and Wintec, 29-30th April 2021.
- AL-Rawi, M., & Auckaili, Amar (2020) Literature review: Effective teamwork and team diversity in engineering education.Australasian Association for Engineering Education AAEE 2020, Sydney, Australia, 6-9 December 2020.