Dr Guanyu Jason Ran

Academic Staff Member
Contact info
- 2020, Registered Social Worker, Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB), New Zealand
- 2011, Registered Social Worker, People’s Republic of China
- 2021, Doctor of Philosophy in Social Policy, Massey University, New Zealand
- 2017, MASTER de Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Mention SCIENCES DE L’EDUCATION, Université Paris Nanterre, France
- 2017, Master of Arts in Advanced Development in Social Work, University of Lincoln, UK
- 2017, Master of Science in Social Science in Advanced Development in Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark
- 2015, Master of Arts in International Development Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- 2010, Bachelor of Social Work, South Central University for Nationalities, China
- 2010, Bachelor of Management in Human Resource Management, South Central University for Nationalities, China
Research funding
- 2020-2022 Named Co-investigator (0.2 FTE), Social response to COVID-19 in New Zealand: Obligations and stigmatisation, New Zealand Health Research Council.
- 2017-2020 Full PhD Scholarship from New Zealand Royal Society Marsden Fund funded research project “Floating families? New Chinese migrants in New Zealand and their multi-generational families”, Massey University, New Zealand. (NZ$ 106,500)
- 2015-2017 Full Master’s Scholarship for Erasmus Mundus Joint M.A. in Advanced Development in International Social Work, European Commission. (€ 47,000)
Areas of expertise
International social work, social work with diverse populations/ethnicities, family social work, community social work, social work research methodology, disaster/crisis response, volunteer service and management, social innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Migration studies and international development stream
Transnational migration and families, contemporary Chinese international migration, immigrant and refugee reception and integration, ethnic relations, older people in migration, research methodology in migration studies, and international development.
Industry experience, affiliations, and achievements
Research activity
Select publications
Peer-reviewed journal article
Ran, G. J., & Liu, L. S. (2021). “Forced” family separation and intergenerational dynamics: Multi-generational new Chinese immigrant families in New Zealand. Kotuitui:
New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online,16(1), 148-167.
Liu, L. S., & Ran, G. J. (2020). Ethnic Solidarity
in Combating the COVID-19 Threat in New Zealand. Global-e, 13(47).
Ran, G. J., & Join-Lambert, H. (2020). Influence of Family Hosting on Refugee Integration and its Implication on Social Work Practice: The French Case. European Journal of Social Work, 23(3), 461–474.
Ran, G. J. (2020). Review of the book Chinese Transnational Migration in The Age of Global Modernity: The Case of Oceania, by Liu, L.S. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61(3), 577–578.
Book chapter
Liu, L. S., Ran, G. J., & Wang, Y.. Bold words, a hero or a traitor? Fang Fang’s diaries of the Wuhan lockdown on Chinese social media. In B. Doucet (Ed.), Global Reflections on COVID-19 Urban
Inequalities (Vol. 2). Policy Press. (Forthcoming 2021).
Technical report
Ran, G.J., Cain, T., Irvine, J. and Terruhn, J. (2020) Meanings and experiences of community among older adult residents of Northcote. CaDDANZ Brief 8. Hamilton: The University of Waikato.
Cain, T., Terruhn, J., Ran, G.J. and Irvine, J. (2020) Living with diversity: Constructions and practices of difference in Northcote. CaDDANZ Brief 9. Hamilton: The University
of Waikato.
Irvine, J., Ran, G.J., Terruhn, J. and Cain, T. (2020) Ageing and wellbeing in Northcote. CaDDANZ Brief 10. Hamilton: The University of Waikato.
Terruhn, J., Irvine, J., Cain, T., & Ran, G.J. (2020) Urban regeneration and community-building: the Northcote Development. CaDDANZ Brief 11. Hamilton: The University of Waikato.
Refereed conference proceedings
Liu, L. S., & Ran, G. J. (2021). Seasonal Parents/Grandparents: The Shifting Transnational Family Strategy of Care Circulation in New Chinese Migrant Families in New Zealand. IV
ISA Forum of Sociology, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Ran, G. J., & Liu, L. S. (2019). Navigating transnational migrant family: A multi-generational perspective. In Proceedings of The Family in Modern and Global Societies, RC06 (Research
Committee of Family, International Sociological Association)-VSA (Vietnam Sociological Association) International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Liu, L. S., & Ran, G. J. (2018). Floating families? New Chinese migrants in New
Zealand and their multi-generational families — A Research Gap Identified. In Proceedings of the Global Encounters: Transnational Mobility Within and Beyond China International Conference. Beijing, China: Minzu University of China.
Ran, G. (2017).
Family hosting and refugee integration in France. In Proceedings of the 2017 International Metropolis Conference. Hague, The Netherlands: International Metropolis Conference.
Ran, G. (2015). New Chinese Immigrant Community in
Bangkok. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on International Relations and Development. Bangkok, Thailand: Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University.
Thesis and other reports
Ran, G. (2021). Family Finds a Way: Experiences of Multigenerational Transnational New Chinese Immigrant Families in New Zealand. Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand.
Ran, G. (2017). Welcome Home: influence of family hosting to refugee integration and implication to social work practice. Université Paris Nanterre, Paris, France.
Ran, G., Silva, J. D., & Gaillard, M. (2016). Social Relationships
and Homelessness: A Danish Case. Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
Ran, G. (2015). Outside the Old Enclave: A New Chinese Immigrant Neighborhood in Bangkok. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.