Jan Liddell

Academic Staff Member
Contact info
07 834 8800 extension 8754
- Certificate in Adult Tertiary Education, Wintec, 2011.
- Certificate in Adult Teaching, Wintec, 2007.
- Certificate Cervical Smear Takers, Wintec 1998.
- Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing, Wintec, 1989.
- Registered Nurse.
Areas of expertise
- Māori Health.
- Cultural Safety and Te Tiriti o Waitangi education.
- Women’s health.
- Flexible delivery of undergraduate nursing education.
Industry experience, affiliations, and achievements
- Clinical experience in working in the community and hospital settings with an emphasis on Māori health, ENT, ophthalmology, oncology (adults), women’s health and primary health care.
- Member of Wharangi Ruamano (National Maori Nurse Educators).
- NZ Nurse Education and NZNO scholarship recipient, 2016.
- Ngati Kahangungu Iwi scholarship, 2016.
Research activity
- ‘Transitioning to a Flipped Model’. Presented at Wintec Research Poster Night, 2016, with Laing, J., McDonald, C., & Syrett, N.
- ‘Tihei Mauri Ora’. Presented at Australasian Nurse Educators Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2015, with McHaffie, J. & Syminton, K.
- ‘Tihei Mauri Ora’. Presented at World Indigenous Peoples Conference (WIPCE), Honolulu, Hawaii, 2014.
- ‘Tihei Mauri Ora: A distinctive approach’. Presented at Australasian Nurse Educators Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011, with Te Apatu, H., McHaffie, J. & Syminton, K.
Select publications
- TeApatu, H., Liddell, J. & Shahtahmasebi, S. (2016). Paper 111: The Bi-cultural meaning of Kaiawhina.
- TeApatu, H., Liddell, J. & Shahtahmasebi. (2015). Paper 11: The cultural meaning of Kaiawhina.
- TeApatu, H., Liddell, J. & Shahtahmasebi. (2015). Paper 1: The cultural meaning of Kaiawhina.
- TeApatu, H., Liddell, J. N. & Shahtahmasebi, S. (2014). Indigenous Research: Culturally relevant methodology.
- Liddell, J., Te Apatu, K Syminton, J McHaffie. (2014). Tihei Mauri Ora. A retention programme supporting Maori student achievement.
- Liddell, J. & Shahtahmasebi, S. (2011). Learning Through the Life Span: A Conceptual Virtual Simulation Model.