Katrina Fyers

Senior Academic Staff Member
Contact info
- Waikato DHB Peer Recognition Award - International Nurses Day, 2013
- PhD Candidate, Victoria University of Wellington
- Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Education, Wintec, 2016
- Digital Story Telling, Wintec, 2016
- Te Tauihu, Wintec, 2016
- Chronic Condition Management - Accredited Trainer, Flinders University, Australia
- Master of Arts in Applied Nursing with Merit, Victoria University of Wellington, 2009
- Postgraduate Certificate in Child and Family Nursing, Wintec, 2004
- RGON, University of Waikato, 1981
Areas of expertise
- Primary health care
- Developing and supporting nurse-led services
- Professional development for primary health care nurses
- Management of long-term conditions
- Cultural safety and Treaty education
- Health promotion
Industry experience, affiliations, and achievements
- Clinical experience in working in the community as a practice nurse, district nurse, community ear nurse and as an educator
- Member of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO)
- Member of the College of Primary Health Care Nurses
- Member of the Public Health Association of New Zealand (PHANZ
Research activity
My research has focussed on primary health care nursing, epistemological development, patterns of knowing in nursing, relational practice, cultural safety education and evaluation. My current research is a qualitative critical constructivist study.
Select publications
- Greenwood S., & Fyers K. (2018). Epistemological Development in First-Year Nursing Students Undertaking Cultural Safety Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(4), 229-232. doi:10.3928/01484834-20180322-07.
- Fyers, K. & Gibbison, B. (2017) The impact of teaching quality improvement (clinical audit) processes to nurses and allied health professionals who work with people with diabetes. Poster presentation to New Zealand Society of the Study of Diabetes Conference.
- Fyers, K., & Greenwood, S. (2016). Cultural safety: developing self-awareness through reflective practice. Nursing Review, 16(2), pp.28-29.
- Fyers, K. & Greenwood, S. (2016). Cultural safety and relational practice: Ways of being with ourselves and others. Nursing Review, 16(4), pp.29-30.
- Fyers, K. & Greenwood, S. (2016). Cultural safety: becoming a reflexive practitioner. Nursing Review, 16 (5), 27-28.
- Fyers, K. & Graham-Smith, H. (2013). Primary Health Care Nurses as agents of influence and change. Presentation to the International Council of Nurses 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
- Fyers, K. & Greenwood, S. (2013). Pedagogical approaches to fostering reflexivity in cultural safety education. Poster presentation to Australasian Nurse Educators Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.