Nancy McNamara

Senior Academic Staff Member
Contact info
- PhD Candidate
- MHSc first degree hons
- BN
- RComPN
Areas of expertise
Industry experience, affiliations, and achievements
- NP intern for Residential Eldercare Services, 3 years
- ICU /CCU, 7 years
- Acute medical – respiratory, infection control
- Acute surgical -vascular, ENT, gynaecology
- Keynote speaker at International Conference McNamara, Nancy (2015) How students rate their learning in simulation 4th International Conference on Nursing and Healthcare, San Francisco, USA, 1-7 October
- Keynote Speaker at International Conference, McNamara, N., Reid-Searl, K. & Dwyer, T. (2016, October). The experiences of students in role in simulated nursing practice as the recipients and providers of nursing care. In 759 Conferenceseries, 15th Euro Nursing and Healthcare Summit: Exploring latest innovations in nursing and healthcare, Rome, Italy, 5(8) P 25.
Research activity
- PhD completion
Select publications
- McNamara, Nancy (2015). Preparing students for clinical placements: The student's perspective, Nursing Education Perspectives, 15(3). pp. 196-202.
- McNamara, N. (2015). How students rate their learning in Simulation, Dynamics of Human Health, 2(3) p 919
- McNamara, N., Reid-Searl, K., & Dwyer, T. (2014). High Fidelity Human Patient Simulators in Undergraduate Nursing Programmes: Are they justified and do they improve student learning outcomes? Dynamics of Human Health, 1(1):
What do you enjoy about teaching/your job?
The supportive people in the postgraduate team at Wintec.
What do you love about your area?
The dynamic and progressive nature of the nursing profession, and working with nurses from different clinical areas, and different levels in their education.
Tell us about your experience in the industry
Been at Wintec since 2009 teaching in:
- Bachelor of Nursing
- PG Diploma in Nursing
- Preceptorship
- RN Competency
- MNSc