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Sarah Munro

Sarah Munro Staff Profile Wintec School of Media Arts

Academic Staff Member
Postgraduate theory supervisor (external), critical methods


  • MA
  • BA (Hons)
  • DipPhty

What do you enjoy about teaching/your job?

It is a privilege to teach within the creative sector. For me working with the ideas that a student is engaging in is an opportunity to learn also.

What do you love about your area?

I am a painter and currently doing a practice-based PhD looking at how painters engage with chance in their practices and testing out some of these strategies in my practice. This is a life- long passion project.

Tell us about your experience in the industry

Tell us about your experience in the industry I have been a full-time oil painter for the last 20 years and have built an international fine art practice with representation in New York, Italy and New Zealand. The last two years I have also developed a watercolour practice that I have set up online and has a more commercial focus. This project allows me to develop a relationship with my collectors which has been a very enjoyable aspect of developing a viable creative practice.

What keeps you busy outside of Media Arts?

To relax I work in the garden, enjoy meals and have daily walks along the river with my family and friends.

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