Tony Nicholls

Visual Arts Technician
Contact info
Areas of expertise
Industry experience, affiliations, and achievements
Research activity
Select publications
What do you enjoy about teaching/your job?
I enjoy problem solving and enabling students create their ideas.
What do you love about your area?
I am enriched through the diversity demonstrated in students work as they gain skill in expressing their unique ideas.
Tell us about your experience in the industry
I have been a practicing artist for about 40 years exhibiting in solo and group shows. I have won national art competitions and have been a regular finalist in the National Contemporary Art Award. I have judged the national No. 8 Art award. My work has included painting, metal sculpture and kinetic sound sculpture with a recent foray into photography.
What keeps you busy outside of Media Arts?
Making sculpture consumes a lot of my time and I’m often found in my shed working on these. Photography and in particular macro photography opens up a world that is often overlooked. This has given me a hunger to explore our world.