Wintec Next
Wintec Next is a collaboration between Wintec and partner employers. It presents work experience and employment opportunities to trades and engineering students, aiming to connect the right student to the right opportunity every time.
We offer events that help facilitate these connections, to offer value to our students, recent graduates, and employer partners.
Kia ora students, sign up below for Wintec Next where you will get to meet with industry and discuss employment opportunities. Here are the upcoming event details:
Centre for Engineering and Industrial Design
When: To be confirmed
Time: 2pm-4pm
Where: G block, Rotokauri Campus
Centre for Trades
When: To be confirmed
Time: 2pm-4pm
Where: G block, Rotokauri Campus
Register here:
For students
Wintec Next enables you to connect with industry at a time when you are personally, professionally, and technically ready to begin your career journey. Embarking on your career is about more than just getting a job. It ís about finding the right job, at a time that works for you, to ensure that you have the best chance of success on your career journey. We hold events in the middle and end of the year that enable you to connect with local employers to discuss opportunities they may have on offer.
Work experience
Work experience is a great way to gain practical and technical skills within a real-life workplace. You will also get exposure to working as part of a team. You will have the chance to familiarise yourself with the industry. The confidence you will gain will help you approach the rest of your study, dealing with future employers, and making career decisions much easier.
Wintec Next employment opportunities are a pathway into the industry, and provide the opportunity to start is the beginning of a meaningful career. Employment opportunities can be diverse and may include part-time or full-time work, internships, cadetships, apprenticeships, and graduate programmes.
For employers
Wintec Next offers you as an employer, access to new staff with technical and personal skills, as well as the competencies and knowledge, to suit your organisation’s workforce development programme.
As a partner employer, you will present employment or work experience opportunities suitable for Wintec students and recent graduates. The programme welcomes opportunities in many forms, whether it ís work experience, labouring positions, apprenticeships, cadetships, or graduate programmes. All opportunities should provide a meaningful starting-point to a learner’s career journey.
Wintec Next recruitment events are held at the middle and end of the year. This structure provides you with the opportunity to meet both current students and recent graduates. Any partner employer with an opportunity can attend and engage with the relevant student cohorts to find the right candidates and begin their recruitment process. We provide students with information regarding the opportunities on offer before the event is held.
If you would like to connect with Wintec students via this programme, please contact the Wintec Next team to discuss your employment, training, or work experience offerings. We will ensure your suggestions to meet our requirements, at which point you can become a programme partner.
If you are an employer and are interested in being part of this event, please email Samantha Symons.
Our trades and engineering courses
Trades programmes
Bridging/foundation programmes
Engineering programmes
Civil engineering programmes
Mechanical engineering
Electronic engineering
Electrical engineering