Research and Innovation at the School of Media Arts
What we do
The School of Media Arts Research outputs exist in the world of creative practice, alongside a rich range of applied media practice and theory. The breadth of the school’s applied and academic knowledge, combined with a strong and well established postgraduate programme and a proven track record of industry and community engagement, results in productive research culture.
Research at the School of Media Arts is clustered around the wider Wintec research themes. These themes are as follows: Inclusive Culture, Language and Indigenous People; Innovation, Creativity and Design; Human and Societal Health, Wellness and Performance; Transformative technologies and the future of learning, workplaces and careers; and, Regeneration, Revitalisation and Transformation. These themes provide a focus for both individual and collaborative research practice and integrate our ongoing research practice into other elements of the School. We also are regularly exploring work which simultaneously explores a number of the research themes.
How we do it
In order to pursue our Research vision, the School aims to develop partnerships with local, national and international industry connections. We also direct support towards group research projects, and encourage broader research collaboration within the School, as well as with the wider Wintec Research Community, as well as with our direct community and industry partners.
We are actively engaged in the development of new researchers, with opportunities for them to work in collaboration with more established researchers to help facilitate the growth of research capabilities. This will also help to utilise the knowledge and experience gained through our research practice within teaching. This helps to ensure that the teaching remains current and that methodologies of industry practice can be developed through current research and development.
Why we do it
Research in Media Arts is primarily, but not entirely, drawn from elements of creative practice. We do it as a means to pursue original investigation which contributes to knowledge and understanding, while also exploring cultural innovation and/or aesthetic refinement. We want to create work that engages with both industry and community in various formats. We will strive to continue to explore more collaborative, multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary modes of research.
A majority of our researchers are also practising artists and industry professionals engaged in a number of internal and external projects. Their breadth of knowledge and experience, developed through research, will continue to inform the teaching practice, and various research projects will continue to be utilised as teaching tools in the form of examples, experiments and collaborative explorations. This also leads to a level of industry expertise that flows on to various commissioned works, collaborative projects and industry secondments.
Our researchers
Media Arts Researchers have a broad range of expertise and knowledge. These areas include:
- graphic design;
- digital design;
- contemporary art;
- sculpture;
- visual art;
- installation art;
- photography;
- moving image;
- creative writing;
- interior design;
- music (commercial, contemporary, sonic art and musicology);
- journalism;
- public relations;
- and more.
Contact us
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