In this section
Study at Wintec
- Off-campus, online and regional study options
- Short courses
- Graduate, postgraduate and master's programmes
- Professional Programmes
- Certificate of Proficiency
- Beauty therapy and hairdressing
Centre for Applied Science and Primary Industries
Our Staff
- Rob Graham
- Andrew Harrison
- Ginnelle Bruscini-Sargent
- Rhys Jones
- Fiona Taylor
- Anna Matuszek
- Angela Austin
- Stephanie Julian
- Sara Farahani
- Shaina Lewis
- Eve King
- Lea Awheto
- Nicolas Sandoval
- Cherie Boswell
- Heidi MacLennan
- Shelley Cox
- Kylie Baker
- Lyn Robertson
- Kirsty Hotson
- Vanessa Rowe
- Leticia Santos
- Sanaz Ghoreishi
- Emily Smith
- Alessandra Kindlein Penno Keidann
- Shafee Bhure
- Georgia Notman
- Our Research
- Industry Connections
- Contact Us
Our Staff
- Centre for Business and Enterprise
- Centre for Education and Foundation Pathways
- Centre for Engineering and Industrial Design
Centre for Health and Social Practice
Our staff
- Sarah McLeod
- Ricci Wesselink
- Rebecca Giles
- Rawiri (David) Waretini-Karena
- Dr Patricia McClunie-Trust
- Nicola Syrett
- Louise Van Den Berg
- Dr Kevin Stewart
- Katrina Fyers
- Judy Thomson-Emmett
- Jolanda Lemow
- Jenny Song
- Jan Liddell
- Deb Stanfield
- Christine McDonald
- Alastair Crocket
- Sara Winter
- Dr Trudy Pocock
- Rochelle Ward
- Dr Gina Nicholas
- Rory McMahon Christopherson
- Anna Mason-Mackay
- Nancy McNamara
- Cassandra Cook
- Erina Ata
- Janine Burton
- Dr Guanyu Jason Ran
- Kesava Kovanur Sampath
- Dr Suzie Belcher
- Programmes
- Contact Us
- Our partners
- Postgraduate and master's for nursing, health, and social practice
- Nadia Hilton
- Sam Elkington
- Zulema Aguilera
- Michaela Humphries
- Shayna Dean
Our staff
- Centre for Information Technology
- Centre for Languages
- Centre for Sport Science and Human Performance
- Centre for Trades
- Hospitality and cookery
School of Media Arts
- Research and Innovation at the School of Media Arts
- Our Facilities
- Internships and projects
- Secondary Schools
- Teaching and Learning
Meet our graduates
- Klas Eriksson
- Christopher Hope & Bridget Hope (Pop Factory Shop)
- Angela Keoghan
- Robyn Mickleson
- Gary Venn
- Chanelle Davis
- Naomi Johnston
- Jane Gillanders
- Elliot Mason
- Michelle Coursey
- Donna-Lee Biddle
- Carly Flynn
- Anna Fawcett
- Julia Crickett, Rene Aveyard
- Morgan Samuel
- Raewyn Brandon
- Gabrielle Riggir
- Simon Wade
- Jenna Lynch
- Harkanwal Singh
- Louise Raine
- Dave Baxter
- Erica Sinclair
- Media Arts Facilities
Meet the team
- Megan Rogerson-Berry
- Julie Ashby
- Luke McConnell
- David Sidwell
- Kent Macpherson
- Elna Fourie
- Dr. Nick Braae
- Dr. Joe Citizen
- Tim Croucher
- Sam Cunnane
- Rebekah Harman
- Aida Khangholi
- Lee Lauren
- Jason Long
- Megan Lyon
- Dr Jeremy Mayall
- Brad Morgan
- Paul Nelson
- Tony Nicholls
- Debbie Page
- Gail Pittaway
- Mark Purdom
- Dr Julia Reynolds
- Geoff Ridder
- Holly Russell
- Megan Scott
- Katherine Vercoe
- Matthew Bannister
- Jordan Foster
- Danielle Foster
- Abby Dalgety
- Vicki Kerr
- Kyle Chuen
- Sarah Munro
- Abby Dutton
- Wayne Senior
- Julia Booth
- Jane Leonard
- Wendy Richdale
- Emily Russell
- Geoffrey Clarke
- Gareth Williams
- Elgee van Tonder
- Tamsin Green
- Jon Clarke
- Dwight Rawson
- Ramp Gallery
- The Waikato Independent
- Studying for free at Wintec
- Scholarship finder
- Study abroad and student exchange
- Youth Guarantee
Youth hub
- Vocational Pathways
STAR Experiences
Secondary School STAR Courses
- Creative Media Taster
- Music Production Taster
- Short Video Production Taster
- Introduction to Illustrator Taster
- Photoshop Taster
- Performing Arts Taster
- Painting and Drawing Taster
- Printmaking Taster
- Interior Design Taster
- Hairdressing Taster
- Beauty Taster
- Barista 4-Day Taster
- Introduction to Cookery Taster
- Provide Table Service in Hospitality Taster
- Prepare and Bake Basic Breads Taster
- Introduction to Animal Technology Taster
- Business Taster
- Health Taster
- Early Childhood Education Taster
- Horticulture and Arboriculture Taster
- Landscape Taster
- Engineering Taster
- Introduction to Computer Aided Drawing Taster
- MIG Welding Taster
- Automotive Taster
- Carpentry Taster
- Electrical Taster
- Outdoor Education Taster
- Sport Science Taster
- Plumbing Taster
- Ready to book?
- STAR course dates
Secondary School STAR Courses
Waikato Trades Academy
- Waikato Trades Academy Partner Schools
Waikato Trades Academy Programmes
- Manufacturing and Technology (Level 2)
- Construction and Infrastructure (Level 2)
- Electrical Engineering (Level 2)
- Sports Leadership and Outdoor Experiences (Level 2)
- Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (Level 2)
- Café Skills (Level 2)
- Building and Construction (Level 3)
- Mechanical Engineering (General) (Level 3)
- Automotive Engineering (Level 3)
- Exercise Science and Outdoor Education (Level 3)
- Hairdressing and Beauty Services (Level 3)
- Introduction to Professional Cookery (Level 3)
- Early Childhood Education (ECE) (Level 3)
- Health (Level 3)
- Waikato Trades Academy enrolment resources
- Wintec student experience
- Capped programmes
- Recognition of Prior Learning
- Access our Prospectus (course guide)
- Bring your own device (BYOD)
- Glossary