Jenna Lynch
Prime News & 3 News reporter for the Wellington region, based at Parliament
Awards: Canon Media Award - Student Journalist of the Year 2013.
“I love working in television, and I love writing. I don’t really know what the future will bring, but that’s part of the beauty of journalism.” She enjoyed the support of the industry expert tutors. “They say that you should do what you love for a job because it’s the best 40 hours of your week. You can tell that the tutors are there for that, and they made it the best 40 hours of my week too. They’re fun, caring and give you the hurry along if a deadline is looming.” Lynch’s third year internship at the Waikato Times saw her receive a Canon Media Award and became a full-time reporting job.
Her enthusiasm for the industry is clear - “I love working in television, and I love writing. I don’t really know what the future will bring, but that’s part of the beauty of journalism. Quite often you just never know what you’re going to do and that’s why I love it. As long as I’m writing stories I’ll be happy.”