Horticulture, Arboriculture, Landscape Design and Construction Internships
Students in Wintec Horticulture, Arboriculture, Landscape Design and Construction programmes are available for a range of work placements while they study. This opportunity provides students with learning opportunities in a work-based environment to apply their skills. The Wintec Hamilton City Gardens Campus location means students are involved in a wide range of projects learning first-hand how the industry operates.
Below outlines placement opportunities and services available to the community. If you would like to provide a work-based learning opportunity to our students, please contact a team member below.Horticulture
Students from the horticulture education centre are available to gain work experience with employers who can benefit from their skills and technical knowledge. Areas of expertise range from plant identification, pruning, pest and disease control, and garden management.
Employers who participate in our work experience opportunities students studying our New Zealand Certificate in Amenity Horticulture (Level 3 and 4) programmes have the following work experience opportunities:
Level 3
- Our amenity students currently have a permanent work experience arrangement with the Hamilton City Council to work in the Hamilton Gardens.
Level 4
- Employers are invited to participate in our work experience opportunities with our New Zealand Certificate in Amenity Horticulture (Level 4) programme.
Note: Work experience is for two days a week over one year offering a structured form of work centred around the student’s course.
Landscape Design and Construction
Students studying our Advanced Horticultural Trades (Level 4) (Landscape Design) and Diploma in Landscape Practice (Level 5) programmes work on landscape design projects in the community and for clients as part of their study.
Students studying our Applied Horticultural Services (Level 3) (Landscape Construction) programme work on landscape construction projects in the community, providing them with experience in setting out, woodworking, laying concrete, and paving with drainage.
Students studying our Applied Horticultural Services (Arboriculture) Level 3 and 4 programmes work on work experience projects for councils and employers in the industry.
For more information about project and placement opportunities, please contact us by email.
Industry and community services
If you are a secondary school within the surrounding Hamilton area and require any tree pruning maintenance, we would love to hear from you. This provides a work-based training opportunity for Wintec arboriculture students.
Please email us and we will be in contact to discuss your needs.