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Employers are invited to participate in our media arts internship programme.
Students from the School of Media Arts are available to intern with employers who can benefit from their skills and talents. Areas of expertise include moving image, photography, graphic design, digital design, journalism, painting, sculpture, audio engineering, music, sound design, public relations and advertising.

What are internships?

Internships are 120 hour placements of Wintec students, offering a structured form of work experience that students receive course credit for.

How it works

Students keep a daily journal, build a portfolio and present a seminar and written report to their peers. The employer sets the student's tasks and projects, and completes an evaluation form on completion to provide feedback on the student's performance. Find out more about the details and employer benefits of internships in the FAQ section.

Further information

For further information contact the Internship director.


New Wave publication project

A book put together by Media Arts staff and students records the journeys of 18 migrants who now live in Hamilton, but were born outside New Zealand​. The New Wave: Hamilton’s Migrant Community, looks at the growing diversity of Hamilton’s population.  While 70 percent of Hamilton is broadly defined as European, and 20 percent as Māori and Pasifika, there are also citizens from 160 ethnic backgrounds. Journalism tutor Charles Riddle says it is this last 10 percent of the city's population that is fascinatingly diverse and makes for interesting reading. Around 15 students worked on the publication under the expert guidance of editor in residence Aimie Cronin. The project team also worked closely with the Hamilton Migrant Centre and the Hamilton City Council. The book is the first phase in a two-year project which will culminate with an exhibition in the Waikato Museum.

New Wave Launch books Photo by Geoff Ridder

River City Sound sessions

A moving image student produced a multi-camera production making live videos for local bands.

Matariki Interactive Waka project

The Matariki Interactive Waka Project is a multi-disciplinary project that aims to create an interactive waka sculpture that will sit beside the Waikato River at Hamilton’s Ferrybank Park and draw the people of the city back to the river.

It’s a community project lead by Media Arts tutor Joe Citizen with Wintec students in the areas of Trade, Engineering, Media Arts and Early Childhood acting as co-creators of the sculpture. We also have several Wintec staff members and independent researchers on board who are all working hard towards a final goal that benefits the people of Hamilton and visitors to this beautiful place. We are also working in partnership with Wintec’s Maori Achievement Office who are advising on tikanga, matauranga and whenua consultation.

Artist's impression of Tōia Mai, Hamilton’s new interactive waka sculpture to be gifted by Wintec.

Moving Image students profile Waikato Museum

One of Moving Image Production students assignments is a group client-based Documentary. This is the fourth year we have teamed up with Waikato Museum who has been our Client for two Museum staff profiles that share behind the scenes stories at the Waikato Museum. Over the last few years of this ongoing community project, Moving Image students have made an excellent range of videos highlighting a variety of Museum staff profiles: what they do, how they do it and why they like working at the Waikato Museum. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the Waikato Museum again in the near future.


Myth, ritual and the personal: Mural specialist brings immersive exhibition to Ramp Gallery

Kirikiriroa artist Craig McClure has developed a new exhibition reflecting on his personal story through a method of relational curation with Wintec’s Dr Tamsin Green. Photo by Geoff Ridder.

Scottish born, Kirikiriroa Hamilton based, Craig McClure is many things: an artist, muralist, maker, businessman, father and husband.

His new exhibition Thought Crimes, which opens at Ramp Gallery on 2 May, examines his personal story and experiences growing up in a brethren church and later leaving his faith in his late twenties through sculpture and painting with a rich yet restrained palette.

Differing from his well-known mural work in city spaces that sport his signature ‘neon, poppy, comic book character style’, this exhibition brings new ideas to life through a variety of mediums in a thoughtful yet playful way. 

In Thought Crimes, McClure is presenting sculptural work alongside large-scale monochromatic paintings developed from drawings that use the motions of ink on paper. McClure likes to follow where the ink travels, ‘with its element of surprise,’ the ink is immediate and forces you to commit to the marks being made and enjoys how this dictates the form and shape of the drawings.

Since graduating from Wintec School of Media Arts (2012), McClure has steadily moved into the realm of mural-making as both an artist and project manager, through his business Lighthouse, brightening up the urban streetscape. McClure has painted many murals over the years and was an artist for the inaugural Boon Arts Festival in 2015, after which he quickly secured an operational role for the festival. 

“That's when it became more of a business thing for me,” says McClure, “I left my day job.” 

At Lighthouse relationships are at the core of what he does, connecting clients to artists and ensuring that this process goes smoothly. McClure sees himself as a curator, so he sets aside his personal aesthetic preferences to make sure the right job is booked for the right space. There are many considerations: layers of histories to the sites identifying who uses the spaces, who will connect with it and longevity. McClure collates this research framework for the artist to dive into. 

“Checking your own bias at the door is a big part,” says McClure, “When you feel like you're in a position of privilege and making decisions for public art there’s a responsibility to make sure that there's a diversity of artists, style and content.”

McClure's murals within the streetscape are large in scale and extremely colourful. Because they are outside and part of the elements, viewers hear and feel the city as a component of the work, they’re experiential and all-encompassing. Moving indoors to a gallery space, the multi-layered experience of viewing can be explored in a controlled environment.

“This is my fourth immersive installation,” says McClure. “In the gallery, there is the opportunity to introduce sound and an atmosphere, outside, that's much, much harder to control.” 

Curator Tamsin Green supported the exhibition and through multiple studio visits and discussions worked with McClure to negotiate how a new show might manifest. A relational approach to curation gave McClure the opportunity to refine ideas in conversation with the curator and explore themes with no premeditation of what the final show would look like. 

McClure says he has been ‘jumping between the two pools’ of public art and art made for gallery spaces and this exhibition has been his biggest shift yet. 

“It's by far the most vulnerable, honest, exhibition that I've ever done,” says McClure. “In the past, I’ve been using science fiction, characters, and illustration in my work, to kind of obscure the underlying messages because it feels raw, and very, very personal, and quite intense. So, with this work at Ramp Gallery, I've tried to not do that and just actually have the message on the face of it.” 

The term ‘Thoughtcrimes’ that the exhibition takes its title from, comes from George Orwell's seminal book 1984 and alludes to the policing of people’s thoughts. McClure used this term to point to his own experience with organised religion. As a child he was taught to believe he was under constant observation and could be punished for his thoughts, that people are born sick and were commanded to be well. 

“I adopted a dogmatic and ignorant view of other cultures and communities,” he says. “It’s a fearful and shameful experience living with the idea of constant judgment.” 

This exhibition is fundamentally about McClure’s journey to leave that world behind while reconciling the remnants of shame, guilt, and uneasy feelings, ruminated over during childhood.

McClure acknowledges the challenges of making work deeply rooted in his personal story but speaks to the catharsis of the process. 

“It’s taken a certain amount of honesty and vulnerability to shift from the conceptual creating and making as a contemporary artist to creating work in response to my story,” says McClure. 

“[For mural art] there’s a client, there's a brief, there's a discussion, and then there's all these, you know, stepping stones to an outcome. Nobody has to be vulnerable there, that's the difference.” 

McClure sees the gallery exhibition as a space to explore important ideas and take risks. 

Although Thought Crimes is a solo presentation of new works, McClure is quick to acknowledge the contributions of others to bring the exhibition to life: his wife Rachel Kiddie-McClure, who has developed a textile piece of blue velvet and gold to support the concepts in the show;  Ramp Gallery curator Tamsin Green, who was integral to the development of this exhibition; and poet Stephanie Christie who contributed with a piece of creative writing, featured in the catalogue in response to years of conversations with Craig and his personal journey and experiencing the works and finally Dr Jeremy Mayall who has composed a sounds scape for the exhibition. 

“I’m usually someone who tries to do everything by myself, collaborating with other artists and asking for help has helped me grow as an artist.” 

Exhibition details: 

Thought Crimes  
Craig McClure  
2 May –25 May 
Opening Night: 4.30pm - 6.30pm, Thursday 2 May 
Ramp is a contemporary public art gallery, situated in the heart of Hamilton City at Wintec’s School of Media Arts.


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