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Industrial Measurement and Control

Industrial Measurement and Control (Theory 4)

New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Control (Theory) (Level 4)


Course details

  • Jan 2026
  • Part-time
  • Fee dependent on modules selected
  • Level 4
  • Rotokauri Campus – online and block courses


The New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Control Level 4 is a part-time course that combines distance and block course learning. The block courses are based at our Hamilton Rotokauri Campus trades-training facility in a hands-on environment.

You will gain the knowledge and skills from our industry-experienced tutors you need to understand and apply these to equipment used in the industry through this programme. 

The training will provide the knowledge you need to ensure you understand how to effectively install, service, calibrate, commission, and fault find on a wide range of instrumentation. You can then progress on to further qualifications such as Process Control and Automation Level 5 to enhance your career development.

​View programme modules

Module codeModule titleLevelCreditsPre-requisitesCo-requisites
IMCT431 ​Core Process Measurement 13
IMCT432Core Process Measurement 2315IMCT431 
IMCT433Core Process Measurement 3315IMCT432 
IMCT434Core Process Measurement 4415IMCT433 
IMCT435Control Principles 1416
IMCT436Control Principles 2416  
IMCT437Control Principles 3416IMCT431
IMCT511Advanced Control 1517IMCT435 
IMCT512Advanced Control 2515  
IMCT513Advanced Control 3515  


Career/further opportunities

Graduates may be employed as instrumentation technicians in the industrial measurement and control field, servicing industries such as petrochemicals, pulp and paper, wood products, dairy manufacturing, metal refining, food and beverage, meats and brewing production, water and wastewater treatment, and power generation.

Frequently asked questions

What happens after I have submitted my application?

Once you have submitted your application, we will complete an online assessment automatically. We will make you an instant offer if we can automatically assess your application. You can choose to accept this straight away or log back in later to accept this. Your enrolment offer is valid for 10 days from the date it is issued, so it is important to accept this as quickly as possible. If we do not hear from you, we may have to offer your place to another student.

If you have completed a paper application, you will receive an email from us with an Offer of Place attached. You can either reply to this email stating you accept your place or simply reply to one of our texts that we will send you. If we need more information from you to assess your application, we will tell you what is required, how you can provide the information, and what the next steps are. 

Click here to find out more about enrolment and accepting your offer.

Are transfers of credit available on this programme?

Yes, transfers of credit can be applied for. Applications for a formal transfer of credit are only considered after a student has been accepted to the programme. Once accepted onto the programme, students should refer to the programme regulations for information and our forms page for the Application for Transfer of Credit - External or Application for Transfer of Credit - Internal forms. 

Partially pre-populated Transfer of Credit forms are also available on the IMC Moodle page for the supporting modules; these only require your personal details to be added to and signed before returning.

It is your responsibility to apply for a credit transfer prior to enrolling in any module. Your NZQA Record of Achievement (RoA) needs to be attached to the form when applying for a Transfer of Credit. Please highlight the relevant Unit Standards to be credited on your RoA. Fill out your Transfer of Credit Form and complete your details, including the year you completed the study. Attach your completed ToC form and RoA and email these to
Can I contact my tutors directly?
IMC programme tutors and all the Wintec support services are here to assist you throughout your study journey.
In the first instance, please contact, who will direct your query to a tutor who is not teaching at the time. The Moodle forum allows you to contact other students and your tutor throughout each module, for on-campus and off-campus weeks.
How does online delivery work?

Moodle provides you with all your lecture notes, learning material, and tests. Access is given when you enrol on the programme.

An email will be sent to you ie,, confirming your access. We recommend not changing this email address as it is also used to provide access to Microsoft Office 365 and Onedrive free of charge while studying and receiving communication from Wintec. 

Within Moodle, you will be given access to multi-choice assessments that you complete online; you are allowed three attempts at each question.  Long Assessments are provided to you as downloadable in a hard copy (either PDF or Word docs). When you complete tasks, they are uploaded to the Moodle site. More than one attempt may be required to complete to an acceptable level and a pass mark. Resulting is done at the end of each semester and combine your distance and block course results.

When do I attend the block course?

Check your block course dates here.

Block Courses are held on-site at our Rotokauri Campus in Hamilton. Block courses and associated distance work need to be completed in number sequence.

How long does it take to complete the course?

This course can be completed over a 2 to 5 year period and is part-time consisting of 23 distance assessments and 9 weeks of block courses. The programme consists of 155 credits equating to approximately 1550 total study hours (155 x 10 hours).

Where can I get help with IT issues?

Our Information Technology Services (ITS) team can assist with a wide range of IT-related issues. We have team members based in the hubs at both the City and Rotokauri campuses providing IT support. You can also log your own support tickets (jobs) by emailing

Our student Self Service Knowledge Base has a range of information and solutions you can work through including:

  • Account/log in issues
  • Accessing your student emails
  • Directing Wintec emails to your normal account
  • Student email FAQs 

Application process

Before using the steps below to apply, check out the entry criteria tab to see if you meet the required criteria.

  1. Apply online or download and complete an Application to Enrol Form.
  2. If applying in hard copy, and if you are unsure that you meet the entry criteria, complete the Additional Information Form. This will enable us to assess your application further. If applying online, and if you are unsure that you meet the entry criteria, select discretionary entrance and this form is then included as part of the online application process.
  3. Please provide certified copies of your prior academic transcripts (if you have them). Find out more about supporting material for enrolment.
  4. We may also need to verify your identity (your legal name and date of birth) and your residency status. If you are a domestic student, we may be able to do this through your National Student Number (NSN); if we cannot access your NSN number, you will need to provide evidence of this by supplying verified copies of your birth certificate or passport.

Please note that places on this programme are limited to 16 students per block course option, with four occurrences of the same module available every year; it is anticipated that more applications will be received than available spaces. All applications that meet the minimum criteria will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. 

The IMCT312 module is a pre-requisite for all other modules; if you withdraw from this module or change to a later module, you will not be eligible to attend any other block course modules prior to attending IMCT312. Please check the availability of other options before withdrawing from a block course option, as it may mean you will go onto a waitlist or have enrolment delayed by a year due to other block course options being full.


Entry criteria

You can apply for this programme if you meet one of the below options.

Based on your school achievement (secondary school study)​

  • 40 credits at NCEA Level 2; including 10 literacy credits at NCEA Level 2, 10 numeracy credits at NCEA Level 1 and 14 credits in a science subject at NCEA Level 2;
  • Or a recognised equivalent.

Based on study completed after school (tertiary study)

  • A relevant course at NZQF Level 2;
  • Or a recognised equivalent.

Based on your work experience (on the job)

If you can demonstrate relevant knowledge, skills and experience that you have gained through work experience, that will help you to be successful in the programme.​

English language requirements

Candidates who have English as a second language are required to have an International English Language Test System (IELTS) score of 5.5, with no individual band score lower than 5; or equivalent.

Selection criteria

All applicants not meeting any of the entry requirements will be interviewed for suitability for the programme. Should spaces in the programme become limited, selection will be based on:

a) Academic history;
b) Prior relevant qualifications gained.

Want to see full details of the entry criteria?
Don't meet the entry criteria?


To check what you need to gain direct entry to a course, review the entry criteria available on each programme page. These assist you in understanding what qualifications or experience are typically required to gain entry. You can contact our team at or 0800 2 Wintec at any time for further guidance.

Your first day

Are you ready for your first day of class? Check out your start date and where you need to be. You can also find useful information about studying at Wintec on our welcome page.

Click the play button for an introduction to our programme, meet some of the tutors, explore online learning tools, and check out the facilities.

Programme information will be emailed to you before your first day of class.

What you will need

Timetable information

All Wintec timetables are available online here.

How to find your way around

Campus maps can be found here.

Parking and bus information

Both the Rotokauri and City campuses have parking available - payment and permits may be required. Learn more about parking and find out about bus services here.

He reo pōwhiri, your official welcome to Wintec

Tēnei te mihi mahana ki a koe e piki nei, e kake nei ki te Kuratini o Waikato.

You are warmly invited to attend the official welcome to Wintec for all new students, staff and whānau (family) at either our marae, Te Kōpū Mānia o Kirikiriroa or Rotokauri campus. The pōwhiri is a welcoming ceremony involving mihimihi (speeches), waiata (singing), and will conclude with kai timotimo (light refreshments). Please gather at the campus hubs, and a staff member will guide you through our pōwhiri.

Click here to find out when the next pōwhiri will be.

Paying for your study

Course-related costs

Additional information


Purchasing textbooks

If your programme requires you to have access to textbooks, these can be purchased through a range of suppliers listed below:

    New Zealand-based suppliers

    General book suppliers

    First aid certificate

    Health status



    Clinical placement

    Prospectus (course guide)

    The Wintec Prospectus (otherwise known as a course guide) outlines everything you need to know about Wintec. It contains information about the Wintec campuses, student life, and the programmes that are on offer.

    Access your copy of the Wintec Prospectus

    The Wintec Prospectus (course guide) is available by downloading the file - click on the document below to access the file. Alternatively, to request a copy via email or the post, please complete the form below.

    Request an emailable or printed copy of the Prospectus


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