Midwifery and nursing workshops attract record numbers

Wintec has partnered with Waikato DHB to host clinical assessment workshops for local nurses and midwives, and they are attracting record numbers of participants.
Earlier this week 180 participants attended the third workshop. In the past, a much smaller number of nurses and midwives would have been sent to Auckland or Wellington.
Cheryl Atherfold, director of the DHB’s Professional Development Unit, says more nurses and midwives could now gain easier and more cost-effective access to important learning sessions in clinical assessment. “We identified the need for locally based training, and thanks to partnering with Wintec this is now a reality.”
Participants included enrolled and registered nurses and midwives from primary, community, rural, aged care and acute settings, along with tutors and student nurses and midwives.
The two-day workshop at Wintec featured internationally recognised speaker Australian Anne Evans-Murray who has 26 years’ experience lecturing at Griffith University for the Masters of Critical Care course and is currently guest lecturer at Bond University Medical School. She is a frequent expert presenter at conferences and workshops on topics such as high dependency nursing, cardiac arrhythmias and ECG interpretation, chest x-rays, physical assessment, and leadership skills.
“These workshops are an important part of being able to deliver safe, effective care,” Atherfold says.
Image: Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Assessment Workshop May 2017 at Wintec.