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Covid-19 information and updates

All Covid-19 requirements have been removed. It is no longer mandatory to isolate or wear a face mask when visiting healthcare facilities. Some facilities may still ask you to wear a face mask, and we ask you to respect their wishes to protect those at higher risk. Find the latest Government updates here.

Kia noho haumaru – stay safe e te whānau and ensure you keep informed from Government sources.

We continue to encourage you to still

  • Stay at home if you feel unwell
  • Keep up healthy habits to protect yourself, your whānau, and others

If you study or work here and are unwell or have recently tested positive, please get in touch with your manager or tutor so they can continue to offer you support.

On this page, you will find links to all our Covid-19 response information, updates and additional resources to support you and your whānau.

Wintec updates

Access our past student and community Covid-19 communication updates here.


Financial help

Students experiencing unexpected financial hardship can apply for the Manaaki Financial Support Grant. Find information on this here.



Financial support is available for eligible students. Please check with StudyLink for information on this and your student loan or allowance.


Unite against COVID-19

For government updates, resources and guidance, check out the New Zealand's dedicated COVID-19 site.


Looking after your health and wellbeing

We understand this may be a stressful time, you can find our full range of Support Services here and below are some additional tools and resources you may like to access.

External help

If you need help dealing with feelings of isolation or stress, please check out the Mental Health Foundation website. Here you will find a large range of information and resources to support you.


Wintec Health Services

Find out what Wintec Health Services are available throughout this time and how to access them. In addition to counselling services, our wellbeing support provider, Benestar, is also available.


‘Need to Talk’

If at any time you wish to speak to someone you can free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor for free.



Healthline has a dedicated number for Covid-19 calls. Phone 0800 358 5453 or international +64 9 358 5453.


Do you need help?

If you have additional questions or need help, please contact us by email or phone 0800 2 Wintec (0800 294 6832).

You can also read the Wintec Temporary Policy Amendments for information on our academic response to critical incidents.


  • Thai students experience AI-focused study tour at Wintec

    Ten students from various technical institutes in Thailand, accompanied by two teachers, recently concluded a two-week study tour focused on artificial intelligence (AI) at Wintec. The group, sponsored by the Office of Vocational Education Commission (OVEC), Thailand, was officially welcomed in early March with a pōwhiri event at Te Kōpū Mānia o Kirikiriroa Marae, located on Wintec’s City Campus.

  • Wintec acknowledges the passing of former Chair Niwa Nuri

    Wintec acknowledges the incredibly sad passing of its former board Chair Niwa Nuri (Te Arawa).  A much-loved part of our Wintec whānau, Niwa was previously both a member and Deputy Chair of Wintec’s board and went on to become the final Chair of Wintec’s subsidiary board during the establishment of New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, prior to the formation of Te Pūkenga.

Wintec is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn More about Wintec Te Pūkenga.

Learn with purpose

Explore Te Pūkenga

Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government

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