Global innovators join forces at Wintec

Innovation that transforms societies is the theme for a two-day international symposium at Wintec in Hamilton next week. Global innovators from Europe will inspire more than 150 sector experts to transform problems into opportunities and create new innovations from challenges.
Organiser and Wintec Research and Development director Mariana van der Walt says Wintec has formed successful working partnerships globally and locally with industry partners and communities and the 2017 ITPNZ (Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics) Symposium will bring them together.
“This symposium is a meeting of minds and a platform for users, providers and thinkers from across the globe. The opportunity for attendees from across the education, government, industry and community sector to actively explore innovations and solutions is incredibly valuable for our local and global future.”
The international “who’s who”’ of speakers at the 2017 Symposium are drawn from organisations working with Wintec on long-term initiatives. They include Alexandra Descamps from Designswarm in the United Kingdom, recently named top of the list of 100 Internet of Things influencers; Dr Vesa Salminen, research director at HAMK University Finland; Minna Takala, senior advisor at Häme Regional Council in Finland; Ola Svedin, chief executive of Mobile Heights, Sweden and from Impact Hub, Jesper Kjellerås, Sweden and Wieke van der Zouwen, Holland.
The event will focus on innovative strategies for community impact, health and ageing, waste management and regenerative practices, through presentation and workshops.
Wintec social innovation manager Lotta Bryant says, “Our aim is to build an international community from this event to benefit New Zealand and other participating countries.”
The 2017 ITPNZ Symposium is held from 4-5 July at The Atrium at Wintec. Wintec is hosting the event in partnership with Unitec, Weltec, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Otago Polytechnic and Manukau Institute of Technology.
Find out more information on this event here.
Watch the highlights video here.Image: Alexandra Descamps - Sonsino from Designswarm in the United Kingdom.