New programme to assist care and support workers

Current and future care and support workers needing to qualify to obtain employment or access higher pay rates can now study at Wintec thanks to an affordable training course.
Wintec Centre director for Health and Social Practice Angela Beaton says the decision to make training available and more accessible is a response to the outcome of the Care and Support Workers Pay Equity Settlement.
“The Level 4 Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, Social and Community Services is a new and essential qualification at Wintec for current and future workers to pathway their career, and earn higher pay rates.”
“In developing this new qualification, we’ve considered industry requirements, the need for care and support workers to work and study at the same time, and individual learning styles.
“We’ve responded to this by integrating flexible study options, offering different combinations of online delivery, work integrated learning and face to face tutorials, catering to people already in care and support work roles or seeking work in the industry.”
The new certificate will enable graduates to work in the health and wellbeing sectors, including aged care, disability support, mental health and addiction support, social services and community and whānau health support.
High quality care for the elderly is why we exist says Louis Fick, chief executive of Tamahere Eventide residential care home.
“We’re ready to support our staff to upskill and this new qualification means they can stay employed, develop their skills to a high industry standard and ultimately earn better pay rates,” he said.
“It also means that in the future we are employing people who are qualified and we can provide an excellent quality of life for the elderly people we have in our care.”
Care and support workers in employment can study while they work which means work hours can be credited to their qualification and they can maintain employment while upskilling and ultimately accessing higher pay rates.
Students studying “on the job” also have the advantage of applying new knowledge and practising skills within their workplace.
The new programme replaces two existing Wintec certificates and has strands in mental health and addiction support, social services, community facilitation and community health work.
To find out more about the Level 4 Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, Social and Community Services, Wintec is hosting an Info Sessions event for the public on 26 September at the City Campus.
Find out more about entry criteria and what is required here.