IoT Waikato launch a success

Leading innovators joined to launch IoT Waikato last week, a Wintec-led initiative to explore the Internet of Things (IoT) in the region.
Wintec coordinator Jannat Maqbool said IoT Waikato’s inaugural gathering drew thought leaders from local government, industry and individuals who are keen to work together, ask hard questions, leverage and develop innovative solutions.
“This first event has started a momentum with a meeting of minds from many disciplines and a shared goal - to make the most of the opportunity IoT presents in enhancing our environment, our lives and our workplaces,” says Jannat.
Ulrich Frerk, from Adroit, kicked things off for the evening highlighting that “20.8 billlion connected devices will be in use by 2020”. Ulrich then spoke about “making dumb objects smart” and his experience in developing innovative connected products like Pool Boy for your spa pool.
Waikato Regional Council’s Mark Gasquoine discussed how IoT is being used to improve farmer awareness and management of water quality issues in the Moakurarua sub-catchment. Mark presented a visual of sensor sites that are recording how stock interact with waterways, as well as water levels and water colour. The project which was developed with input from Wintec will soon expand to include dairy and forestry blocks outside the catchment.
Connected infrastructure and smart cities is a focus for Downer NZ. Downer IoT project manager Roselle O'Brien explained while an out of the box solution for every IoT situation is unlikely, it provides an opportunity to gather the right people and develop a business case to deliver an optimal solution to consider scalability, future proofing and “the knowledge, capabilities and attitudes required of those who must operate the system once deployed”. Roselle showed a portable version of CITiPULSE, an interactive city engagement and emergency hub for attendees to “play” with.
Chair of CultivateIT, Thomas Coats attended the event and said “I walked away with an increased appreciation of what is happening in the Waikato and an idea of IoT activity nationally. This was a valuable event and I look forward to where IoT Waikato goes next.”
Ian Hook, general manager sales at Thinxtra said "IoT Waikato is a great initiative from Wintec to help Waikato businesses on the benefits that IOT is now delivering.”
“Connected devices produce data and a significant element of the work we will do in relation to the IoT is what we do with this data and indeed what data we need and want to collect,” says Jannat.
“Then we can answer questions around the problem we are trying to solve or the value that we are wanting to generate."
IoT Waikato aims to provide an opportunity for people to get together on a regular basis to hear about what is happening in the Waikato with the Internet of Things and Smart Cities. The group will gain inspiration from relevant events and projects happening elsewhere in New Zealand and around the world, and raise awareness around areas such as security and privacy.
For more information regarding IoT Waikato or to join, visit
If you are interested in speaking at, or sponsoring an IoTWaikato event, email Jannat Maqbool.
Follow @IoTWaikato on Twitter.
Preview Image: Elna Fourie (Wintec), Suzanne Hunt (Spark Digital NZ), Roselle O'Brien (Downer NZ), Jannat Maqbool (Wintec), Margi Moore (Wintec).
This page: Ben Martel (Ingenitech (NZ) Ltd), Keith Gallagher (Gallagher), John Gillon (Arrow Electronics), Darren Bainbridge (MyApiary Ltd).