Fees-free study opens up a world of opportunities

The wait is over and the New Zealand Government’s new fees-free tertiary study offer opens up some exciting opportunities for students next year at Wintec.
All New Zealanders who have done less than half a full-time year of post-school education or training will be eligible to study fees-free next year. The fees-free scheme is designed for students new to tertiary study and there are no age limits.
The tertiary study offer covers a full year of study - or two years for part-time study.
Director, Products and Planning, Warwick Pitts says all Wintec courses at Level 3* and above qualify under the new scheme.
“For students just out of high school, a fees-free year offers range of options to kick-start a career and for adults, this just may be the opportunity they need to make a career change.”
The new fees-free offer isn’t the only free study offer open to students. Wintec’s Youth Guarantee programme offers free training to school leavers 16-19 years old. Geared for students who respond more to hands-on learning it involves experiences and a high level of support for students to help launch their careers.
“Youth Guarantee is a great option for young people thinking about a career as it offers the opportunity to experience taster courses in areas that interest them and get the support they need to plan a career,” says Warwick.
To find out if you are eligible for fees-free study next year, visit feesfree.govt.nz.
For more information on fees-free study at Wintec click here.
Wintec has a range of other free options available. Check out free study options here.
*The New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) is divided into 10 levels. Level 3 is at the top end of the secondary school NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) which covers levels 1-3. View the NZQF qualification levels here.