Striving together for sporting excellence

St Peter’s Cambridge aims to have one of the best sporting programmes in New Zealand and they are working with Wintec to help achieve this.
A new memorandum of understanding between the two Waikato-based education providers will see a number of Wintec Sport and Exercise Science postgraduate students based at St Peter’s over the next three years.
The students, who are studying Wintec’s Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science and Masters of Science (Sport and Exercise Science), are working with St Peter’s top athletes, teams and students to benefit all involved.
Wintec’s Centre for Sport Science and Human Performance director, Greg Smith is thrilled with how the partnership is going so far.
“This is a win-win situation for Wintec and St Peter’s. By working with talented and motivated young athletes in world-class facilities, our postgraduate students become more work-ready and therefore more employable.”
The students are working within St Peter’s physical education curriculum and health and wellness modules in its strength and conditioning programme - the largest of its kind in New Zealand.
Assisting St Peter’s strength and conditioning coach, Todd Barker, the postgraduate students are undertaking the training and testing of St Peter’s premier sporting teams as well as supporting the junior sports academies.
St Peter’s director of sport, Nic Slade, says: “Our strength and conditioning programme is growing rapidly so the assistance and expertise that Wintec students offer our athletes is hugely beneficial. Just having an extra pair of eyes on the ground analysing techniques and functional movement can make a big difference and be extremely valuable for our athletes.”
St Peter’s has one of the New Zealand’s most extensive school sporting programmes with specialist academies and coaches in rugby, football, netball, golf, cricket, swimming, cycling, rowing and equestrian. This means that Wintec postgraduate students, who each specialise in a different sporting discipline, are able to work with their chosen sport.
“There are so many different facets to our sporting programme and I hope that this partnership will expand into other areas such as sports administration, sports event management and even physiotherapy,” says Nic.
Find out more about St Peter’s sporting programme
Find out more about Wintec’s Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science
Find out more about Wintec’s Masters in Science (Sport and Exercise Science)Image: Nic Slade of St Peters and Greg Smith of Wintec are working together to create one of New Zealand's best sporting programmes.