Wintec performing well in a challenging domestic market

Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) has released its 2017 Annual Report, posting a group surplus of $2.2million in an increasingly tight domestic student market.
Wintec chief executive Mark Flowers says 2017 was another year on the journey to further modernise Wintec, build on its success and ensure future sustainability.
“In 2017 we started to see the results of some of our long-term goals achieved through the implementation of important initiatives and projects.
“We are pleased with our financial result, which given the tight domestic student market, is a very solid outcome in comparison to many in the sector.”
Wintec’s 2017 revenue was $105 million with a group surplus of $2.2 million. This represents 2.1% of Wintec’s total revenue.
In 2017 Wintec educated 14,472 students, this headcount (not equivalent full-time students), is made up of 12,747 domestic and 1,725 international students.
“Wintec’s international students, from more than 60 countries, continue to increase year on year. As well as this, we educated nearly 5,000 students in China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through our off-shore education activities,” says Mr Flowers.
Some highlights and key statistics in 2017 included:
• The implementation of new teaching and learning directions, centred on learner experiences and modernising the way education is delivered.
• Winning the Global Operator of the Year Award at the 2017 Westpac Waikato Business Awards.
• Wintec established New Zealand’s first and only Design Factory, which creates opportunities for students to work with industry partners in a learning and problem solving environment.
• A number of Wintec students went to China as recipients of the prestigious Prime Minister’s Scholarships for Asia.
• Acknowledging four outstanding leaders with honorary awards; Liam Messam, rugby and community champion; Susie Ryan, former Clinical Nurse Manager for Waikato Regional Diabetes Service; Te Radar (Andrew Lumsden), satirist and documentary-maker; and Dr Peter Robinson, nationally renowned scientist.
• 1,800 Wintec students graduated in person at Wintec’s annual graduation week.
• Ten Wintec students received Dame Te Atairangaikaahu nursing scholarships.
“We will continue to build strong links with our employers, strive for student success and work-readiness, modernise our programmes and our campuses, work through our change programme, build financial sustainability, and be a globally recognised institution,” says Mr Flowers.