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Wintec brings in global education developers to inspire teachers

Wintec is working with worldwide education developers Kaospilot to offer their programmes to here in New Zealand

Wintec is working with global education developers Kaospilot to support a programme of change in the way teachers and students work together. 

Helping students to create their future is critical in a world where disruption and change are impacting the way we teach and learn. 

Which is why Wintec is working with worldwide education developers, Kaospilot to offer their programmes to teachers here in New Zealand. In July next year, Wintec is bringing the first Kaospilot workshop to New Zealand. The workshop for tertiary and secondary school teachers will explore the Kaospilot approach to transformational education design. 

The partnership began when Wintec team leader Julie Ashby visited Kaospilot's Danish headquarters in 2016.  

"I had read about the extraordinary work Kaospilot were doing in transforming education and I wanted to experience what they were about in person,” says Julie. 

"At the time we were developing a new teaching and learning framework at Wintec and the Kaospilot pilot approach has strong synergies with the work we are doing here to actively encourage user-centred, future focussed teaching and learning."  

In 2017, Wintec launched Ako: Teaching and Learning Directions, a programme of transformational change in response to the need new ways of teaching and learning. Ako is based on the principles of authentic, learner-centred and inquiry-based learning. 

Kaospilot was founded in Denmark in response to the emerging need for a new type of education that could help young people navigate the changing reality of the late 20th century. Twenty-five years later, Kaospilot is working worldwide to achieve positive social change though personal growth and enterprise by helping creative leaders design education for the future.  

In April this year, Julie and Wintec facilitator Dallas Snape attended a Kaospilot Masterclass in Sydney designed to develop leaders to bring autonomy, risk-taking and action-based learning to education.  

"Taking part in a Kaospilot programme requires you to take a deep dive into experiential learning, learn to think like a student as well as a teacher and a pioneer, and consider working across a faculty rather than taking a sole focus on a subject," says Julie.  

“It’s very much like taking a strong dose of reality and adding playful, creative elements to develop learning that delivers equally on skills, knowledge and mindset." 

The two educators are on a three year journey to becoming Kaospilot-trained facilitators. Once trained, they will deliver Kaospilot programmes at Wintec to an internal and external audience. 

“We’re looking forward to sharing this experience outside Wintec to our tertiary and secondary teacher networks,” says Julie.

Find out more about Kaospilot.

Watch the Kaospilot Masterclass workshop video. 

Event: Kaospilot workshop, Wintec 8-10 July 2019. Contact Julie Ashby to book your place. 

Read more:
Wintec takes alternative teaching approach to schools

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