Young researchers from Taiwan and South Korea build their skills at Wintec

Wintec academics, Dr Pierson Rathinaraj (centre right) and Steve Edwards with the visiting Korean research students.
An eco-friendly research experience in New Zealand is a highlight for students from South Korea and Taiwan who are at Wintec to complete a research internship.
Seven Korean research scholars from Kyungpook National University (KNU), South Korea and a Taiwanese student from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), have joined Wintec’s Centre for Research and Applied Innovation for four months.
During their stay at Wintec, the scholars will focus on their research projects, and to enhance their communications and cultural skills, they are enrolled in English language courses and housed in Kiwi homestays.
Dr Rathinaraj, Wintec research team manager for chemistry, says the three-year research collaboration is an important milestone in our relationship with reputed universities and a recognition of our deep collaboration and the regard with which we hold KNU and Taiwan Tech.
This is the first year Wintec has hosted a student from Taiwan Tech but every year since 2016, Wintec has hosted up to seven students from KNU.
The research team aims to have an ongoing reciprocal relationship with KNU and Taiwan Tech.