Worldwide educators invite NZ teachers to explore education in new ways

Worldwide education developers, Kaospilot described as one of “the best design schools in the world”, are coming to Wintec this July so New Zealand teachers can experience a Kaospilot Masterclass workshop.
Wintec academic Julie Ashby and product manager Dallas Snape have been working with Kaospilot to bring the first workshops to New Zealand, and they want to share the experience with teachers across the region and beyond.
“The Kaospilot programme encourages participants to take a deep dive into experiential learning, learn to think like a student as well as a teacher and a pioneer, and consider working across a faculty rather than solely focussing on a subject,” says Ashby.
The three-day July workshop for 24 participants is now open for registration and will explore the Kaospilot approach to transformational education, developing teachers through autonomy, risk-taking and action-based learning.
The Kaospilot approach has strong synergies with Wintec’s Ako: Teaching and Learning Directions, a programme of transformational change in response to the need for new ways of teaching and learning. Ako is based on the principles of authentic, learner-centred and inquiry-based learning.
Wintec has been working to develop new approaches to teaching and learning and wants to extend this to support educators from all areas.
Kaospilot was founded in Denmark in response to the emerging need for a new type of education that could help young people navigate the changing reality of the late 20th century. Twenty-five years later, Kaospilot is working worldwide to achieve positive social change though personal growth and enterprise by helping creative leaders design education for the future.
BusinessWeek has recognised Kaospilot as "one of the best design schools in the world", and Fast Company has named it in its Startup League's Big 10, "preparing you for the fast-moving startup economy".
“I took part in a Kaospilot Masterclass Workshop in Sydney last year and I highly recommend this professional development opportunity for teachers and educators,” adds Ashby.
After experiencing the workshop, it didn’t take much convincing for Ashby and Wintec colleague, Dallas Snape to sign up on a three-year journey to train as Kaospilot facilitators. Their next plan was to get Kaospilot to New Zealand, and they’ve succeeded.
Watch the Kaospilot Masterclass workshop video.
Read the lead facilitator, Ramon Marmolejos' bio.
Find out more and register now for The Art and Craft of Designing & Facilitating Learning Spaces Masterclass 8-10 July 2019 here.
For more information contact Julie Ashby.
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