Woohoo! Wintec a Woo Wellbeing finalist in 2021 HeadFit Awards

Wintec attained a WorkWell gold standard accreditation this year, one of many workplace achievements that has contributed to being a finalist in the 2021 HeadFit Awards.
Wintec has been named as finalist in the 2021 HeadFit Awards, an event established to celebrate individuals, teams and organisations who demonstrate leadership in areas of workplace mental health.
Wintec is a finalist in the Woo Wellbeing | Public Sector Workplace of the Year Award, which recognises a public sector workplace that has “demonstrated leadership, innovation and impact in improving mental health within its workplace.”
The tertiary education provider joins two other organisations in this award category, New Zealand Land Search and Rescue, and Waka Kōtahi - NZ Transport Agency.
Wintec Health, Safety and Wellbeing Director, Katria Raffan, says the news is the result of teamwork, dedication and a commitment to Wintec’s core values of working together and valuing people.
“Wintec is committed to supporting and enhancing the hauora and wellbeing of our whānau. The safety and wellbeing of our people is integral to achieving our strategic goals and a core value of our organisation,” she says.
“To reflect this, we have invested in a holistic health, safety and wellbeing strategy, increasing mental health awareness, support networks and pathways to improve responsiveness and build the capability of our kaimahi [staff] to strengthen mental health and wellbeing.”
Although supporting mental health in the workplace is always a priority, it has been critical due to Covid-19 alert level restrictions and the detrimental effect they can have on people’s mental health.
“It has been tough for some of our staff and our students during the lockdowns last year and the one we’ve had recently. Our priority has been to provide support in any way we can, through mental health resources, financial support for our tauira [students], flexible working arrangements and highlighting events such as Mental Health Awareness Week,” Raffan says.
Wintec Executive Director People and Culture, Katrina Van de Ven, acknowledges the extraordinary effort put in by Wintec’s People and Culture team and the many staff who make continued contributions to pastoral care and health and wellbeing for both staff and students at Wintec.
“We’ve listened to our staff and because of this, we’ve developed and progressed a range of initiatives to support mental health, safety and wellbeing. Their voice has been important to evaluate and to prioritise our investment into mental health at Wintec.”
The initiatives Wintec has developed to increase staff hauora include the establishment of Wintec’s first LGBTQIA+ support group, the Āniwaniwa Alliance, gaining a Workwell Gold Standard accreditation, mental health first aid training for staff, and a new mental health policy.
The HeadFit Awards are open to all workplaces and staff located in New Zealand, including public and private sector organisations of any type, industry or size.
The HeadFit Awards finalists are judged on three key primary goals, one of which is how the individual, team, or workplace, supports the Mental Health Foundation as they work to improve mental health for all New Zealanders.
Winners will be announced at the Headfit Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner on Tuesday 16 November at Sorrento Park in Auckland.
Proceeds from the gala awards dinner will be donated to the Mental Health Foundation.