Putting the Kauri into our Rotokauri campus
If you’ve walked around our beautiful Rotokauri Campus something you may have noticed is a lack of, well, Kauri trees.
Trades and Engineering Operations Manager, Matt Williams has had this on his mind for a while and initiated a project to revitalise our Rotokauri Campus by returning its aesthetic back to its namesake. This week the hard work Matt has put into this project is coming to fruition with the planting of a dozen Kauri trees across the Campus.
It was also part of Matt’s vision that this event be a learning opportunity for our ākonga, so he reached out to Senior Academic Staff Member, Jonathan Summers from Wintec’s Horticulture Department. The Horticulture team were excited to be part of this kaupapa and arrived on the day ready to do the mahi.

The planting began with a blessing and karakia performed by one of Wintec’s Horticulture students, Torez Wiperi.
The Kauri that were planted can be seen lining the far end of the front field outside the hub. A further three trees will be planted during Matariki, between the Hub and L block, which will be dedicated/gifted to Iwi.