Wintec awarded Rainbow Tick for commitment to diversity and inclusion

Some of the members of our Āniwaniwa Alliance celebrating together at our recent Wintec Staff Awards.
Wintec | Te Pūkenga has achieved yet another win for diversity and inclusion, being awarded Rainbow Tick certification. Wintec joins fellow Te Pūkenga business division Otago Polytechnic as the two first Institutes of Technology or Polytechs (ITP) to achieve the Rainbow Tick.
The Rainbow Tick is an acknowledgement of an organisation’s commitment to embracing the diversity of sexual and gender identities. Through displaying the Rainbow Tick certification mark, organisations are able to communicate that they are progressive, inclusive and dynamic, and reflect the communities they are based in.
Wintec Executive Director People and Culture Katrina Van de Ven said, “Embedding rainbow inclusion and safety at a strategic and policy level at Wintec in April 2022, through our Āniwaniwa Rainbow policy, set the foundation for us to make great strides in this space.”
Implementing this Rainbow policy has focused and driven Wintec’s efforts, resulting in a thriving kaimahi-led rainbow group, Āniwaniwa Alliance, as well as, in 2022, the appointment of the first paid Rainbow Coordinator position within New Zealand’s ITP network. This role is responsible for promoting diversity and inclusion at Wintec by coordinating the Āniwaniwa Alliance, organising rainbow events and activities, raising awareness and providing guidance on policies and processes.
Achieving Rainbow Tick certification comes hot on the heels of a string of other accolades in recent years for Wintec’s excellence as an employer and commitment to equity. In 2020, Wintec achieved Gender Tick certification, then in 2022 further levelled up its accreditation to ‘advanced’ level. In 2021 Wintec became the first Waikato Employer to gain Gold Standard WorkWell Accreditation.
Wintec was also the first tertiary organisation to announce its gender and ethnicity pay gap information on the Pay Gap Registry in 2022, and this year has made substantial progress in reducing both its gender and ethnicity pay gaps, placing its pay gaps far below the national figures.
“A supportive work environment that is accepting of peoples’ differences and where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, benefits everybody in the organisation.
“Obtaining the Rainbow Tick accreditation demonstrates our commitment to strengthen diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This achievement is the result of the mahi of our wider Wintec whānau over many years, as well as the support of external partners like DiversityWorks and Rainbow Tick, to ensure members of the rainbow community are welcomed into a safe and inclusive workplace.
“We take our commitment to promoting rainbow inclusion beyond the workplace too. A highlight of this was in 2021, when we actively worked with our ākonga to create a mural promoting rainbow diversity and our commitment to ākonga success. The mural, ‘A Joyful Meeting’ by takatāpui student artist Pounamu Wharekawa, is proudly on display at Centre Place, the local shopping mall,” Katrina said.
The Rainbow Tick 2023 Accreditation Report particularly commended Wintec’s efforts in community building and policy development.
“The contribution of the Āniwaniwa Alliance in promoting rainbow visibility and supporting the rainbow community at Wintec should be celebrated,” the report said.
Katrina said the Rainbow Tick report was also useful in that it gave some constructive suggestions that would help guide Wintec’s future focus for how it further improves diversity and inclusion practices for its rainbow community.
Wintec | Te Pūkenga Business Division Lead, Leon Fourie, said, “I’m proud that Wintec has been a leader in the sector in embracing our rainbow kaimahi and ākonga. We have made great strides, and will continue to commit to providing a safe, inviting and inclusive environment for everyone.”