Candidates are required to have:
- A Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science with a minimum B grade (65%) in the third year; or
- A corresponding NZ Bachelor degree with a minimum B grade (65%) in the third year; or
- A Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science with a minimum B grade average; or
- A corresponding NZ Postgraduate Diploma with a minimum B grade average; or
- Equivalent.
Special admission
Domestic applicants aged 20 years or above who have not met the general admission or entry requirements for a programme but whose skills, education or work experience indicate that they have a reasonable chance of success may be eligible for special
admission. Special admission will be granted at the discretion of the relevant Head of School/Centre Director or designated nominee. Such applicants may be required to successfully complete a foundation, bridging or tertiary introductory programme
as a condition of entry into higher level programmes.
Selection criteria
a) Candidates must complete their application for selection at least two months prior to the commencement of the programme. Applications received after this point will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
b) Every applicant will attend a selection interview.
English language requirements
Candidates who have English as a second language are required to have an International English Language Test System (IELTS) score of 6.5 with no individual band score lower than 6.0; or equivalent.
Safety check
In order to comply with the provisions of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014 and Wintec Child Protection Policies for all ‘specified organisations’ providing a ‘regulated service’, all candidates/students will be subjected to safety
checks. These will include but are not limited to;
- A Formal Interview
- Referee Checks
- A Police Vet Check
- A Risk Assessment
Any unsatisfactory result arising from the full safety checking process may result in the candidate/student being precluded/declined entry or withdrawn from the programme of study. Furthermore, students must declare any pending or new convictions
arising during any stage throughout the entire enrolment period. A conviction or failure to declare a conviction may also result in the student being immediately withdrawn from the programme.
Persons who are convicted of ‘specified offences’ will not be accepted onto any programme that requires that Person to work in an organisation providing a regulated service.