Why micro-credentials are good news for lenders and car buyers
Wintec has developed a series of micro-credentials to formally recognise skills and encourage best practice for personal lending, particularly within the automotive industry.
Wintec has developed a series of micro-credentials to formally recognise skills and encourage best practice for personal lending, particularly within the automotive industry.
When Kim Carter graduated from Wintec in 1989, prospects for nurses in New Zealand were dire. This motivated nurse now co-owns a GP practice in Temuka.
A partnership with a purpose has seen Wintec students using Rocketspark’ s five-star web building platform to create free e-commerce sites for Waikato businesses.
Leading tohunga of taonga puoro, Horomona Horo has joined Wintec School of Media Arts as a researcher and teacher, and he wants students to take traditional Māori music to new places.
When Barry Somerset traded his Navy uniform for hospital scrubs, he thought his days of overseas travel might be numbered. Now he's an ICU nurse, flying across the world is all in a day's work.
Wintec's Dr Hare Puke Scholarship for Māori Leadership was awarded to two Māori academic staff members this year, who will use the scholarship to research and implement Māori student leadership and learning programmes.
Five student nurses dreamt that one day they could work together and make a real difference to Māori health. Ten years later they reached their goal. One of them, Sarina Wawatai tells her career story.
Winter sport is in full swing and a partnership between Wintec and Waikato Hockey Association is creating new opportunities for hockey players and sport science students.
For Mark Hamilton and his camera, just over a month of isolation become a liberating journey as he captured the light from morning to dusk in his limited surrounds. The result is a new show at Wintec Ramp Galley.
Sabine Lang needed to reset her career. She searched for away to utilise her love of languages and the answer was to teach English.
Wintec Music and Performing Arts Masters graduate Samari discusses the political motivations behind his debut album Hyper Normal.
Claire Eccleston is so passionate about home birthing that she moved her family from Australia to study as a midwife at Wintec in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Wintec is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn More about Wintec Te Pūkenga.
Learn with purpose