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  • Wintec committed to transparency around Pay Equity

    Wintec has led the way as one of the first tertiary institution in Aotearoa to share its current pay gap figures on the Mind the Gap Registry and its commitment to transparency around pay equity.

  • Welcoming Leon Fourie to the Wintec whānau

    The Wintec whānau held a pōwhiri to welcome Leon Fourie as Wintec Toi Ohomai Executive Transitional Lead, at Te Kōpū Mānia o Kirikiriroa marae at our Hamilton City Campus. The pōwhiri was attended by Toi Ohomai kaimahi, leaders, mana whenua, Pacific leaders, as well as Wintec senior staff and kaimahi.

  • Putting the Kauri into our Rotokauri campus

    If you’ve walked around our beautiful Rotokauri Campus something you may have noticed there is a lack of, well, Kauri trees. Not any more! Trades and Engineering Operations Manager, Matt Williams has initiated a project to revitalise our Rotokauri Campus by returning its aesthetic back to its namesake.

  • Innovative approach to help anxious tamariki through Covid-19

    Sitting in a classroom in Whatawhata, a group of enthusiastic students find Mauri Tau, a magical mōkai – pet – of Tāne Mahuta, god of forests, birds and people. Looking on with pride is the first-time author, an academic from Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec).

  • Wintec Board meets for the last time

    Wintec board members met for their final scheduled meeting in Hamilton. This significant milestone is part of Wintec’s early move to Te Pūkenga on 1 June 2022, which includes the dissolution of the Wintec board.

  • Wintec Covid-19 latest update

    The situation relating to COVID-19 is evolving. The health of our students and staff is a priority, please check here for regular updates.

  • Te Pūkenga welcomes Wintec into the whānau

    Earlier today, our Wintec CE Dave Christiansen, alongside Toi Ohomai CE Leon Fourie, and Te Pūkenga CE Stephen Town, announced the early move of Wintec and Toi Ohomai into Te Pūkenga.

  • Wintec farewells a lasting influencer

    Clint Baddeley will always be remembered as having a lasting impact in shaping the way forward at Wintec. Clint was a beloved member of the Wintec whānau and sadly passed away this week, after a long battle with cancer.

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Wintec is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn More about Wintec Te Pūkenga.

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